NYC Surprise

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Imagine. Darren, you and your two oldest kids were all in your room packing. In the morning, you were all leaving for a few days, but not together. You were supposed to work in Chicago for the rest of the week, Darren had some projects in NYC, and the kids were heading to Joey and Lauren's in the morning. "Please! Pretty please!" Sami kept begging. The suitcases were all on your bed, and each one was putting fresh laundry into their own suitcases, but you kept an eye on what your ten year old boy was doing. "Sam, that's a no. We've already discussed it" you said firmly to stop the topic there. "But I wanna go to NY! I could take the plane with Dad and I could stay with him! Please please please. I just wanna go back there" she was jumping around, her eyes filled with hope. New York was her favorite city. Just like her parents, she was a big fan of musicals and performing. Ever since she was old enough to go in a theater, she always begged to going back. "Princess, I'm going there for work. I won't be available most of the day and I'm gonna be back late at night" Darren explained as he put away a bunch of shirts in the suitcase. "It doesn't matter. I could still come and enjoy the city!" she kept on arguing. "You won't be enjoying it if you have to stay at the apartment all week" you said. She was just about to answer right back at you but her father beat her "No way you're going alone in the streets of New York" he shook his head. "Kyle, you should put less toys and more clothes honey" you advised him. "So there is nothing I can say to make you change your mind?" Sami finally understood. "Nope" Darren and you both said in unison. You laughed at your syncronation and pushed him gently with your elbow as a smirk grew on his face. Sami seemed defeated and sat on the bed with her arms crossed. "Oh come on sweetie" you sat next to her. "It's not the end of the world. You're gonna go have a lot of fun with Uncle Joey and Auntie Lo and we will go to NY another time" you said and rubbed her back. "Yeah..." she sighed. She got up and finished her suitcase messily. She looked disappointed. Darren and you shared a look and a smirk out of the corner of your eyes. He declared bed time for everybody once all the suitcases were closed and ready in the hall. The kids went to bed after saying goodnight, and you found yourself and your husband in the same room Sam was begging in just half an hour earlier. "We're awesome" Darren declared proudly. He jumped on the bed with a big grin on his face and laid down as you watched him do so. "Yeah we are. I just hope she's not too mad at us" you said and slowly crawled your way to him. "She has to learn to live with it" he shrugged and welcomed you in his arms. For a few beats, only silence could be noticeable in the room. "I can't wait to see the look of her face when we tell her she's actually going" you grinned.

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