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"Nothing on TV but crap. I'm gonna get pisseeeeed" you sang as you channel surf. "I rented a movie babe. It's on my bag" Darren said from the kitchen. It was movie night and he was making some popcorn, of course. Who does a movie night without popcorn? You stood up from the couch and walk to Darren's bag and search for the film. When you finally found it, you look at it confused before reading the title. "Insurgent". "Really?" you ask your husband, kind of annoyed. "What? The first one was good!" Darren exclaims as he walks to the living room with a huge bowl of popcorn. "I hate those. They destroy the books" you pout as you sat back on the couch. "Come on, it's good! Plus I really wanted to see it" Darren said. He gave you the bowl and put the dvd in the player. He went to the couch and kissed your forehead so you will stop pouting. He sat beside you. "Do that for me ok? And try not to comment at everything? Maybe?" Darren asked playfully as he leans on you and kisses your cheek. "That's gonna be hard" you say, taking a handful of popcorn. "Pleeaase..." Darren said as he gave you his best puppy eyes. You look at him for a few seconds as he starts to pout like a child. "Ok, ok, I'll try" you smile. "Great!" he exclaimed, satisfied. He delivered a sweet and quick kiss to your neck and took some popcorn as the movie started. The 'Divergent' books were one of your most cherished one, so it was hard for you not to comment. Like how did Tobias even get brown eyes? And why does Tris look super pretty when she's actually not that beautiful? Tobias loves her because she's super badass, not because of her pretty face! Along the beginning of the movie, you bit your lip every time you were about to comment, trying not to groan or to throw something at the tv. Maybe if you think the movie is actually not related to the books, it would be good...right? "Oh-uh" Darren said as Tobias and Tris got arrested by the Sincere. When you watch the scene and the ones who followed, you did your VERY best not to comment again, taking a big breath. Suddenly, Darren paused and turned to you. "Ok say it" Darren said.
"Nope. I said I wouldn't comment" you say with your arms crossed as you look at the TV. "Babe...I'm giving you a chance to actually say what you think. You should take it" Darren says, smirking. You took a deep breath and turn to him calmly. But suddenly, every comment you were holding back had to come out. "What the heck is this? I mean WTF? Since when does Marcus trust Tris? Since when does Jeanine needs divergents to open a damn box? Since when is Tris 100% divergent when she has facilities for three factions? I mean come on!" "Shhh, darling you're gonna wake up the baby" Darren said between giggles. You totally ignored his comment, yours went first. "And that scene? Seriously? In no way Tobias ask for the truth serum, it's just a tradition on the sincere faction! And when they get interviewed, there's two chairs and Kang is sitting on one and then Tris and Tobias sat on the other! Is it so fucking hard to put two chairs into their fake arena? And I-" you got cut off by baby's cries coming from the baby monitor. You groan, mostly because of the frustration of not saying everything you wanted. "Told ya!" Darren said as he shrugs. "You're totally going to take care of this" he says as he unpaused the movie. "What? Why? It's your turn!" you protest. "You woke her up" Darren said with wide eyes. "You rented the movie!" you exclaim as you point at the tv. Darren laughed at you and gave you popcorn. "Come on, give her a kiss for me" he winked. You ate the popcorn and climb off the couch to go in your daughter's room. "You're gonna pay for this, Criss!" you shout from the corridor. "Can't wait babe!" he answered. You giggle and open the door to comfort your daughter.

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