Starkid Kind Of Parenting

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Imagine. Joey was at yours and Darren's place for dinner. You were finishing the last part of the meal as you helped your daughter, Sami, do her science homework. Joey was busy trying to make Kyle swallow a spoonful of cough syrup. "Come on buddy" Joey said as he put the spoon in front of his godson. Kyle folded his arms and shook his head . "I don't like that one!" he stated. "Why does science have to be so weird? I just don't get it!" Sami started to get frustated. "Your father will be better than me at this..." you mumbled as you took a look at the statement. "I heard father?" Darren smiled as he stumbled into the kitchen and sat next to Sami. "Kyle, please, I'll be so happy if you took it" Joey tried to argue. The little boy kept shaking his head. "It will make you feel better!" he reminded him. Kyle did not seem to care. "Oh that's why!" Sami finally understood. "Thanks Daddy" she kissed his cheek and closed her book and notebook and went to put them back in her room. "Dinner is ready!" you said into the house as Darren started to set the table. "Kyle..." you both heard Joey lost his patience. Darren and you shared a glance before he joined him. "If I may" Darren said as he took the spoon from Joey. "Kyle, open your mouth" he asked his son. Kyle did and Darren immediately put the spoon in his mouth. Kyle did a weird face at the not-so-nice taste, but eventually got over it. "Wha..." Joey opened his arms astonished. "It was your turn to choose the movie tonight, but since you did not listen to Uncle Joey, he will choose it for you" Darren stated with a authoritive tone. Kyle looked down and seemed disappointed, but finally nodded. Sami came down and you all gathered around the table. "How do you do it? I mean, do I have that low of a parental instinct?" Joey asked you. "Parental instinct comes when you become a parent, Joey. You'll learn just like we did" you reasurred him. Joey looked perplexed and Sami gave him a hug from the side to comfort him. He answered with a smile. "You need to start as fucked up as we were " Darren joked as he took a sip of his drink. Sami and Kyle put their hands over their ears. "Did you really teach them that?" Joey giggled. "Walker did. That's what happen when we leave them with you" you answered with a smile. "Daddy is done with saying bad words" you said to the kids and they let their hands fall down on the table. "To Starkid kinda parenting" Joey raised his glass. You giggled and did the same as all three of your glasses clink against each others in a room full of laughter.

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