~*Shane's POV*~
I wake up to the sound of people backing on me front door. I jump out of bed and see myself in a mirror in my bedroom. I look awful, and I feel awful. I make my way out of my room and down the steps. I just hope that it's not someone too important. I reach the bottom of the stairs and I open the front door after unlocking it. Standing there are three men from the compound military. One of them holds a folded piece of paper and has a grim look on his face. He's one that manages the wall, one of my commanders.
"Good morning Mr. Lancaster. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have a letter from your wife. She left late last night and wanted me to give this to you." He says, holding out the piece of paper for me. I take it and slowly fold my hands over it.
"She left you said? Why and with whom?" I ask, confused. He's a good soldier, and I'm sure he knows that even her leaving is against the rules. He nods and looks up to meet my gaze.
"She went on a search mission with Team 4, Sir." He responds politely, standing with his back completely strait.
"Oh, thank you for telling me. Is there anything else?" I ask, moving my fingers over the edges of the paper in my hand.
"No Sir. The wall is protected and we have plenty of food and water." He tells me. I nod, I've taken good care of them, perhaps because I repesct what they're doing. Or it's because I know that they're necessary for our survival.
"Good, I'm going to take my leave, good day gentlemen." I say with a polite nod and I shut the front door. I turn away from the door and flip open the note Violet had sent for me and it read:
'Hey Shane and Mark,
I need some time away from the compound and from both of you. I'm looking for Jack, and I'm not coming back without him.
To Shane,
I don't hate you, I actually forgive you for what you've done. Don't blame yourself, please just do what you love again. Do your job again, you're great at your job. Until I see you again, stay safe and please, keep and eye on Mark. I don't think he's healed from what happened, and he needs a shoulder to cry on. Please help each other through this and I'll see you both when I get back.
To Mark,
Oh Mark... It's so hard to write just a few words for you. Don't be mad at yourself anymore, I told you that I forgive you and I meant it. Go see Wade and Bob, have that party you were talking about. You all deserve to have some fun in your lives again. I'll miss you, and I love you very much. Until I see you again, stay safe and be happy again. I want to see your smile when I get back.
Her relationship with Mark has changed a lot. When I met her, they were so in love and happy about their future child. But so much has happened, and most, if not all, of it has changed now. I can't blame them though, they've lost a child, I can't imagine that kind of loss. I suppose I should inform Mark of her situation, then head to work. I quickly go up the stairs and place a few knocks on Mark's bedroom door.
"Come in." He says from the other side. I turn the handle and go in, he lays on his bed, starting at the ceiling, not seeming to really be doing anything.
"I have this for you, Violet left last night on the search mission, but she wrote this for us." I say. Mark sits up in his bed and nods, I hand him the note.
"Thanks." He says simply and begins reading. I nod and tale my leave out of the room, closing the door behind me. I then make my way back to my room and begin getting ready for my day. Getting my tie and ironing it, then dressing myself in a button up, white, long sleeve shirt and put it on. Then I grab another pair of my dress pants and put them on to complete my outfit. I grab a comb and begin running it through my hair. I look at myself in the mirror while I part my hair and then finally set down the comb. Well, now I'm ready for work.~*Violets POV*~
"Alright... Well, I know where the Serene is, but the question is; does the guy we're looking for know where it is?" Wendy says, glancing at me. It makes sense, they don't know him as well as I do.
"We went there once, but I don't know how he plans to get there." I explain, my brain running with different thoughts going through it.
"Hey, you said the group is called JC?" Fin calls from behind us. I stop and turn to face him before I respond.
"Yeah, that's what Jack told me in the note." I say with a nod.
"Well, maybe he's following this." Fin says, pointing at something on a nearby tree. I walk over to him and examine it. The tree has the two letters 'JC' carved into it and an arrow pointing up, but I'm guessing it means forward.
"Maybe he is following this..." I mumble in a hushed voice.
"Should we follow it too then?" The Team Captain, Tom, questions me.
"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea." I respond. The team starts walking before I do, I take a few more seconds to look at the carving. It's sloppy handwriting and looks rushed. Interesting. I then continue walking with the rest of the team.We start finding more of the carvings, pointing us in different directions. After a long time of walking around, following all the carvings, we see a large building, it looks like a Warehouse in a clearing. It has walls made of cement and blood spattered on the side. Out of instinct I grab my crossbow and load an arrow into it.
"Search all the walls for an entrance." I demand in a slightly hushed voice, careful not to draw too much attention from anyone who may be nearby. They nod and follow my orders, beginning to load and prepare their weapons and go around the edges of the building. I make my way around as well, I end up following behind Duncan. I keep one of my eyes on the woods, making sure that just in case something is there, I'll see it. I then keep my other eye on Duncan, that way if he sees something I'll be able to know that as well. I suddenly hear a twig snap behind me and I spin around with my finger poised on the crossbow trigger. I see an Eater coming towards me with it's hands outstretched towards me. I make sure that my aim is correct before I shoot and the arrow hits the Eater in the middle of the head. It then falls limp to the ground and I take a step towards it, retrieving my arrow. I wipe the excess blood on the clothes of the now dead Eater. I want to keep my arrows clean and in my sheeth to be used. I turn around and see Duncan staring at me in shock.
"You okay?" I ask. He nods and takes in a breath.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You're just really good, like, really good at that." He compliments with a smirk. I smile back at him and nod.
"Thanks, a lot. I've been practicing a lot, and in a case of life or death, I know what to do." I explain. Duncan nods and turns back so we continue.
"Mrs. Lancaster! We've found it!" Tom shouts. I start running around the corner of the building and see everyone else in the team there. A large, metal door stands with a small slot at the top. The same two letters, JC, are painted in red on the door. I raise my hand and pound my fist on the door. If someone here sent someone to shoot Shane, I think they'll answer me. The slot on the door slides open and a pair of blue gray eyes stare at us.
"Why hello gorgeous, didn't expect to see you here." A male voice says with a chuckle. It sounds familiar, but I can't place it yet.
"Identify yourself, Sir." Tom demands sternly, moving so that he is more in view.
"Oh, but why should I? And is that really how you greet an old friend? I wouldn't speak to you like that, so let's start from the beginning. Hi, my name is Carter, but my friends call me CJ, but I don't think you'll call me that, you don't seem very friendly." He chuckles. Anger burns inside me at his words and I push my way to see him.
"Who did you send to shoot your brother? Because they fucking suck, they can't even kill who they're supposed to." I snap, leaning my palm on the door.
"Oh, what a shame. So he's still alive then? Tell him hi for me, won't you dear?" Carter says in a 'sweet talk' tone, but I hate it.
"I don't think you want him to know that I've seen you alive. You know how he is, he has quite a temper when it comes to you." I say, calming myself down more. He wants to make me mad, so I'm not going to get mad. I'm just going to stay here and take in a breath.
"Oh, is that so? I just thought that was his mood, but enough about him, you said that the shooter missed. What did he hit? One of your friends? A plant pot behind you?" Carter asks curiously. I take in a deep breath and let my hand rest at my side.
"It hit me, in the stomach. But don't worry, I'm fine." I say, swallowing the knot in my throat to keep strong. I'm not going to cry in front of him, or any of the people here, I'm making sure of that.
"Oh, that wasn't what we planned. Actually, would you like to see who planned it? She wants to see you, I know that." Carter teases. I roll my eyes before I can answer.
"Sure, but the rest of the team is coming too." I explain.
"Fine with me." Carter says as he closes the slot. When he does I turn my head to the side to talk to the team.
"Search the place for Jack, he might've been taken or is already here." I demand in a hushed voice.
"Come on in guys." Carter says as the door swings open for us. I swing my crossbow over my shoulder before I do anything else. I glare at him while I walk inside and the team follows close behind me. Carter closes and locks the door behind us and then he begins leading us to our destination. Inside, the walls are cement and there are little lights. There are only a few other metal doors that we pass. People dressed in soldier uniforms pass by, not even looking at us. There looks to be a large room at the end of the hall, and small lit candles sit on the floor inside. Carter stops before he enters and we follow his lead. He turns to face me, that stupid grin on his face.
"Go on in, she'll only want to see you." Carter whispers in my ear. I give him a confused look before I decide to go in. I turn around a corner and see a large, plush chair and in the chair sits my worst nightmare. Now I understand the real meaning of JC, it stands for Janice Clark, my mother.

Insanity (Sequel To Madness)
Fanfiction"I have nothing now. They took the only thing I had left, and now I'm broken. They didn't save me, they ruined me." Violet has lost everything, literally everything and everyone. The voices are getting worse, but she doesn't care anymore. What else...