~*Shane's POV*~
I have taken everyone who belongs at my compound back, and even a few citizens who did not like their District. The Main District is the largest after all, and we can not just have one household living there. I have moved back into my mansion, and spent many hours alone in it cleaning. The one thing that Ian made sure of when taking my town is ruining everything of mine. He put useless sayings written in red, black and yellow spray paints all over the walls of my mansion. How childish of them. They also broke vases, windows and even my dining room table in half. Shards of glass were strewn about, scratching the wood in my floor. I, however polished the floors nonetheless and tried to fix them, but there are still small markings that annoy me. In my bedroom, it was a the worst. With my ties and dress shirts completely ruined, with lipstick, stray paint, and mud smeared across them. My dress pants were all ripped and thrown about my room, and forget about Mt bedding. It had dirt, paint and even a small amount of blood splattered over my sheets and pillow cases. The feathers from my well made pillows were scattered, the knife marks in the pillows explained well what had happened. The silk pillowcases were no match to serrated steel. No matter how we'll made something is, Ian seems to have destroyed it all. However, it all has to be cleaned up before Violet gets home. I want her to walk into a welcoming, clean home, not one that had been destroyed by a man who killed her lover. So, I vacuum the carpet, beat the rugs, disinfect the counters and buy all new linens and clothes for both myself and Violet. I try to get clothes that would be her taste, but there is not much to choose from in the stores after what Ian did to this compound. I hung up all the new dresses for Violet in the room that she had chosen for herself and I made up her bed with the new, black sheets I had bought for her. Of course I arranged my own room, but after hers. Since I do not know when she will be back, I wanted to make sure her room was ready for when she comes back. I am sure that she will be back, since she promised it so many times. But that does not stop the worry that everyone has for her. Every morning Mark goes to the top of the wall and watches the streets outside for hours. It is only when either Bob or I take his place up there that he will go down for a few hours. But he always returns to wait and watch for Violet. I suppose he believes that she will want to see him first, or perhaps his longing for her is stronger than anyone else. Either way, he continues to go through this routine every morning. I only hope it stops soon and my wife returns. However, I somehow doubt that Joshua will allow her to come back so soon, especially since he seems to despise me so much. I only hope Violet goes through with her word and comes back here so that our sorry can stop and I will be able to protect her. Of course, I would have tried harder to stop her from leaving in the first place, but she seemed very content to go. Well, perhaps content isn't the right word for it. She had a way that seemed like she knew that she would have to go, when in reality I would have gotten the entire army in District 6 to fight for her to stay. I would have used any resources necessary, especially since it would satisfy a long waited revenge. Something inside me wanes him dead, and eaten alive by those creatures beyond the wall, but then there was something else that wished that he was alive, just so that my wrath could be upon him. The wrath of a father against a man who ignored his dying daughter would be very high, but mine would be even higher and more powerful than anything else anyone could ever inflict. My revenge would be much worse, especially if he does anything to harm my wife. I only hope that she returns home safely very soon, so that I can stop plotting revenge inside my home. I walk down to my offices, they still need to be cleaned of all the mess that Ian made here. It was worst in the offices. Inside, there are documents thrown about messily, blood splattered all over the walls, and spray paint colored on the walls, with the empty bottles dropped on the tile floors, chipping them slightly. Perhaps I will clean this up later, I just finished cleaning my home and I really do not want to clean up others' messes again right now. I exit through the front door of the offices and walk down the sidewalk lazily.
"Shane." I hear my name called and turn in the direction of the noise. Bob walks towards me with a heavy sigh and upset expression.
"Is Mark still at the wall?" Bob asks me. I glance in the direction, but it is too far to tell.
"If he isn't home, he most likely is." I respond. Bob sighs again and wipes sweat from his forehead.
"I heard something yesterday, and I shouldn't have told him." Bob admits. I look at him curiously.
"What do you mean? What did you hear?" I ask him for clarification.
"Maddie left yesterday, to go looking for Violet. I heard a female voice in the city, and Maddie came back this morning. I'm guessing it was her, but Mark thinks it was Violet. He wants to leave, to go look for her." Bob tells me with another sigh. I nod slowly and cross my arms over my chest.
"People shouldn't leave the compound this early. Not after we just got it back, anyways." I state while I shake my head lightly.
"He might've already gone. Last night, Emmet was watching, but he fell asleep. This morning Mark was gone and Emmet didn't see anything." Bob explains.
"You believe he just left?" I ask, slight annoyance growing.
"Yeah, if he isn't watching at the wall, then he's probably beyond it, looking for her." Bob replies.

Insanity (Sequel To Madness)
Fanfiction"I have nothing now. They took the only thing I had left, and now I'm broken. They didn't save me, they ruined me." Violet has lost everything, literally everything and everyone. The voices are getting worse, but she doesn't care anymore. What else...