I find the front of my own compound, and bang on the front door, but there is no reply. Not surprising in all honesty, since I had been watching the wall for so long. I walk around the edges of my compound and find a separate door that I had built into it. I pull out a small, golden key that I had made specially for this door and use it to open it. I push myself inside, afterwards closing and locking the door once again as I straighten my tie. Not like my tie matters right now, since this suit is completely ruined from the brush on the outskirts of my wall and the soldier throwing me to the ground. But, I always have my appearance around here. I head towards my mansion, at the top of the hill which seems closer than I remembered, but that is not a complaint. I skip up all my stairs to the top and open my front door with ease. Which, in response I get faced with a large gun being cocked in my face.
"It is me." I tell Mark who I notice holds the gun. He nods and puts it back at his side.
"Sorry." He tells me sincerely. I nod and lightly brush myself off once again.
"It's alright, I ordered you to protect her and you were." I reply as I walk towards my wife who sits on one of the couches near the door, staring at me with a type of awe that I don't recognize.
"Hey." Violet say softly. I nod slowly, she doesn't even sound like herself anymore, does she?
"Hey." I reply ad I take a seat next to her on the couch.
"What happened?" She asks me, light concern in her tone.
"Allan betrayed me, so I will have to venture out to other districts for assistance." I explain directly. Violet nods slowly and stares at me, seeming like she expects more.
"Am I coming with you this time?" She asks me kindly. I smile and gently kiss her hand while shaking my head.
"No, the world of business is a place I don't want you in. I'm planning to go to District 16, where my good friend Liam ruled. I heard news that his daughter Rebecca has taken over, and perhaps she will reason with me. Then, I plan to visit District 10, where a man named Timothy rules. He has always gotten along with me, and may also lend me resources I need. And Zachary Zen who owns 11 may help me as well, so I may visit him as well." I explain, while gently holding Violets hand in my own.
"How long will you be gone?" She asks me shyly. I tilt my head t her softly and smile.
"A month, maybe two." I reply.
"Woah, that's too long, Shane. You can't leave the compound to just us for that long. We don't have enough food, or water." Mark tells me, his hand gently resting on the couch near my head.
"What do you wish me to do then?" I ask him calmly, gently releasing Violets hand to adjust my tie that I can feel slipping down.
"Bring us. We can help you with this too, and then we won't have to go hinting outside the walls." Mark offers, his eyes darting towards Violet after every few words that he speaks.
"Fine. But you will not be discussing these things with me and these men. I will handle all the business that goes into this. And in case they ask you, we want supplies such as food, doctors, etc. I will also be asking for military forces to help me to find Joshua and shut his organization down once and for all. Finally, there will also be requests for citizens to move here so that I may keep my status and put all my land to good use. That is all." I explain swiftly while gently nodding to myself.
"Alright, sounds good. I'll tell the guys and we can head out whenever you want." Mark replies as he paces towards the front door slowly.
"I can not shelter seven people at every compound I go to. Only Violet and yourself will come with me if anyone at all." I demand sternly while gently tapping my fingers on my knees.
"Maybe not me then, since I just got back. Violet, do you remember Maddie and Emmet?" Mark asks me kindly.
"I want you to come." Violet replies, nodding to herself slowly. "And I do remember them, since you asked." She adds kindly.
"Well, it seems you will be coming after all." I chuckle softly and lazily place my hand on my wife's thigh.
"I guess so. I'll go get packed, and should we tell Maddie and Emmet the situation?" Mark asks me.
"That would most likely be the smartest option. However, Maddie will also want to see Violet afterwards I'd guess." I suggest as I cross my arms and glance at Violet.
"I can go talk to her if that's easier. Mark can take me to see her if you still think I need to be watched." Violet tells me. I shake my head softly and sigh.
"I only wanted to make sure you were safe since so much has happened already. And without me being here, my nerves were a bit on edge. You may go if you want, you may take Mark if you want. I do not know if you remember, but we had an agreement when we got married. That you are not my property, you are only my wife to the public. You may do whatever you please, just do not use that title to embarrass me." I demand as I get up from the couch and go back to my room at the top of the stairs.

Insanity (Sequel To Madness)
Fanfiction"I have nothing now. They took the only thing I had left, and now I'm broken. They didn't save me, they ruined me." Violet has lost everything, literally everything and everyone. The voices are getting worse, but she doesn't care anymore. What else...