I wait for everyone in the living room, simply sitting on the couch. I'm now dressed, and so is Maddie and Emmet. They sit together on another couch near mine. The bright red dress with ruffles on the edges suits Maddie well. My own dress, sparkling silver like the moon, it fits me well. It reminds me of a slip, it's more of a sexy elegant style than I'm used to. Maddie's is in a similar style, and she doesn't seem to care as long as Emmet is with her. That's all she seems to care about anymore.
"Violet, you're ready, correct?" Shane questions me sweetly as he enters the room happily. He had told me only minutes ago that he had to polish his shoes, how funny my husband can be about the little things. The scary, businessman that owns the Main District, concerned about how his shoes shine. I laugh to myself at the thought.
"Yeah, I'm ready. The guys are coming, right?" I ask, moving over on the couch to give Shane room to sit, which he does.
"Yes, Bob told me he was teaching the kids how to wear fancy clothes." Shane chuckles. "His words, not mine." He adds, still laughing. I chuckle and lean back on the couch.
"That's Bob for you." I chuckle. Shane sighs happily and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you ready for this dinner?" Shane questions me while he leans back in the couch.
"What do I have to be ready for? We're just talking to Allan while eating. I don't think he'd talk business in front of all of us." I comment, looking at Shane with a confused expression.
"Yes, he wouldn't, but this isn't just a dinner. He's going to ask questions, he'll try to get anything out of us to use when he talks about business with me." Shane explains as Mark enters the room, now dressed in a suit, shined black shoes and a dark, navy blue tie.
"Someone looks pretty dapper tonight." Maddie comments while smirking at me. I roll my eyes and turn back to face Mark.
"You look good, since someone had to bring it up." I say while glancing at Maddie once more.
"Thanks, you look... Beautiful. As always." Mark tells me sincerely as he leans against the wall next to the front door.
"Thanks... But, uh, are Bob and Wade almost ready too?" I question, trying to ease the tense awkwardness between us.
"Yeah, Bob is just helping Wade tie his tie, then they'll be out." Mark tells me. "Of course it would be Wade to make us late like this." Mark adds with a chukcle.
"Just like him." I chuckle back and cross my legs casually.
"Wade, stop messing with it! You're going to fuck it up again!" I hear Bob's voice from down the hall.
"It's weird, and doesn't feel right. Are you sure you tied it right?" Wade whines back.
"Yes, I'm sure! Just stop and let's go, we're going to be late." Bob demands as they cone into view and enter the room. Wade's hands and tangled in his deep red colored tie while he stumbles down the hallway behind Bob. Like Mark, they both wear suits with shined shoes. Bob wears a dark purple tie while Wade wears a classic red one. Bob glances behind him at Wade and stops in his tracks to turn and face him.
"Will you quit it? I'm not re-tying it if you fuck it up." Bob states in an annoyed tone.
"Fine..." Wade groans while he finally drops his hands to his sides in an annoyed manner.
"Are we ready to leave, then?" Shane questions after a moment of silence passes.
"Yeah, let's head out." Maddie says jumping up from the couch with Emmet following her lead. Mark grabs the door handle and opens it, proceeding to hold it open for both Wade and Bob to exit. Then Maddie and Emmet, with interlocked arms leave through the open door. Shane and I stand side by side as we exit, but don't hold hands or anything, that's just not the type of "couple" we are.***
We arrive at the large, white mansion that belongs to Allan almost exactly at 6, according to Shane's pocket watch that is. A young girl, looking no older than 15 comes from the house just before we walk up the steps. Her hair is long and brown, and her eyes we almost the same color.
"Who are you?" She asks, causing the long, white dress she wears to sway.
"Amanda, how many times to I have to tell you not to be rude to guests?" A booming voice shouts from inside the house.
"Yeah, yeah, but who are these people? There's like 10 of them." The girl shouts back into the home.
"My apologies, Amanda, was it? I am Shane Lancaster, and this is my wife, Violet. We came to have dinner with your father, is that alright?" Shane questions while he slowly steps towards her, leaving me only a small amount behind him.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Lancaster. I didn't know that it was you or I wouldn't have been so rude." Amanda says quickly and nervously.
"Of course, there's no need to worry, my dear. Might we come inside and speak with your father?" Shane questions her in a sweet, yet business like tone.
"Yeah, come on in." Amanda says, stepping out of the way of the door for us to enter.
"Allan, dear? Who is at the door?" A female voice questions from inside. A woman dressed in a black dress and silver heals comes into view and smiles widely. Her hands fumble with earnings at her ears and the bright red lipstick on her lips just makes her look wealthier.
"Shane, I didn't expect to see you here. Allan just said something bad happened to you, but he didn't say you were our honored guest." The woman says with her long brown hair flowing in the small amounts of wind.
"Thank you, Catherine. Oh, and allow me to introduce you to my wife, Violet." Shane says, gently tugging on my arm for me to come stand by him, which I do.
"Pleasure to meet you, dear. I'm Catherine King, Allan's wife. And it seems you've already met our daughter, Amanda." She says happily while resting her hands on Amanda's shoulders.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. King." I say, placing a forced smile onto my face.
"Please, call me Catherine." She says, with that same smile on her face.
"Violet is still getting used to meeting people in my work, please forgive her for that. But, on a separate note, might I speak with Allan?" Shane questions, rubbing his hand over my arm in a protective way.
"Of course." Catherine says. She pokes her head inside her home and shouts for her husband to come to the door. Allan walks outside and down the steps with ease. I can see his eyes examine Shane and I before then leaning on the rail of his stairwell.
"Hello, Shane, Violet, and everyone else. You are all welcome in my home, and we have a wonderful dinner prepared for you. Now, why don't you all come inside and make yourselves at home. If you need anything at all, my maid, Caroline, will get it for you." Allan announces. Shane begins walking and I follow his lead, going up the steps towards the front door of the home.
"I'll speak with you after dinner." Shane whispers as we pass by Allan on thr steps.
"Yes..." Allan whispers back, his eyes following us up the stairs. An old woman stands by the door now and both Amanda and Catherine seem to have gone inside.
"Mr. And Mrs. Lancaster, welcome to the King mansion. Please, come this way to the kitchen." The old woman, who I'd assume to be Allan's maid, says. Shane nods and follows her down a hallway. A large, wooden door sits open and the maid stands by it, allowing us to enter. Shane glances around the dining hall and then turns to me.
"Where would you like to sit, my darling?" Shane questions me in his soft, kind tone.

Insanity (Sequel To Madness)
Fanfiction"I have nothing now. They took the only thing I had left, and now I'm broken. They didn't save me, they ruined me." Violet has lost everything, literally everything and everyone. The voices are getting worse, but she doesn't care anymore. What else...