~*Violets POV*~
I wake up and instantly tears begin to pour from my eyes.
"Why dies my life suck so much? What did I do to deserve this?" I mumble to myself, running my fingers through Jack's hair. Even after death, this action still soothes me. I don't wait for an action, I already know that Jack won't be giving me one. I should have let him play Ian's stupid game, I should have just ran away with him. We could've just lived outside, loving each other until the end of time. I would much rather that life, even if it means I would never see Shane, or Mark, or even Maddie again. I love Jack, and I can't stop no matter how hard I try. Even though he is rotting and the smell is everywhere around me, I still love him. Even though the bullet hole on his forehead stares at me every time I look at him, I love him. Death can't stop love, it just stops for one side, but that doesn't mean that I'll stop loving you. I'll love you until the end of my life, and I'm a rotting corpse lying next to you.~*Kyles POV*~
I climb up the ladder again, pulling my weight up ring, after ring, after ring. I get to the top and instantly my heart begins sinking, my brother has that girl again. Maddie lays on the ground, sobbing while Ian laughs, looming above her.
"Oh, right in time. Madelyn, this is my brother, Kyle. Now, come here, I actually want to play with you." Ian says, his eyes having a crazed look that sends chills up my spine. Maddie groans in pain and hugs her stomach while she tries to roll herself into a ball. I gulp and slowly take steps towards Ian, fear running through me.
"Now, Kyle, beat her." Ian demands, eyeing me carefully while he glances at Maddie. A smile placed on his face while he puts a hand on my shoulder.
"What?" I question, wrinkling my eyebrows, now undertsandig his request.
"Beat her, you know. Hit and kick and grab at her. Unless... You have a proper reason not to." Ian explains with a small laugh. I glance down at the girl, she has bruises all over her body and little clothes covering her. I gasp and swallow deeply looking at Ian in pure terror.
"But... If I do, she might get too badly hurt and I don't want to ruin the game you have with her." I lie. I don't want to beat that girl, and I'm just trying to make Ian tell me that I don't have to and that she can go home. Ian laughs and rubs his hands together. He suddenly reaches down and grabs a handful of Maddie's hair and lifts her head to meet his.
"Can you live one more beating, love? I want to play the game with you and my brother again." Ian taunts, looking at her with a grin. She groans and struggles to squint at him. Maddie shakes her head limply and begins sobbing again with her tears trailing down her face.
"We should just put her back in her cell and let her rest. We don't want to work her too hard and I wanted to talk to you..." I explain, this time not lying at all. Ian drops Maddie so her head slams on the ground and looks at me curiously.
"What do you want to talk about?" Ian questions me, his grin slowly fading away.
"Can we just talk about it later?" I ask while rolling my eyes in anger, but that just makes Ian laugh.
"No, no, no ,no, no, we don't need to keep secrets from little Madelyn and any of our friends. Go ahead and talk to me." Ian declares, his smirk only growing now.
"Ian... I... I'll talk to you later, I gotta go." I sigh as I walk away and slide myself down the ladder.
"Kyle, come back here." Ian calls as I walk away from the wall entirely. I try to ignore him and go through with what I had promised Mark I'd do.~*Flashback*~
"Yes. Just tell us when we can kill that son of a bitch." Mark spits the words, looking up at me, fury in his eyes. I take in a breath and nod, he's right to be mad and this was why I asked him.
"Mark, calm down." The one with glasses demands sternly. "Sorry, he has an anger problem, but he's a good guy. I'm Bob by the way, and I was wondering what plan you have to get us remotely close to Ian. Even through his insanity, he does have a brain." He explains, looking at me curiously from the other side of his lenses.
"I'm not sure yet. I can try to bring some weapons in here and you guys do the rest?" I say in an unsure tone.
"Would you be helping us too?" Bob asks.
"I... I can't. I'm too nervous to ever shoot a gun, I wouldn't be helpful even if I tired." I respond in a shaky and nervous voice.
"Get Violet out first and tell her where we are. She'll get us out." Mark suggests, his eyes cooling down from his previous rampage.
"She is probably still healing, and you said that she didn't want anyone to touch Jack's body?" Bob questions me, glancing up from Mark for me to answer.
"Yeah, she said that no one else touches him and she carried his body the whole way to the police station." I explain.
"Yeah, she won't leave him there, which means that she, most likely, won't be very useful either... Actually, Kyle, was it? Can you check on Violet and ask if she is able to participate in our escape? Also, if you are able to get to Shane, ask him about it as well, I think he might be a valuable asset because he knows everything about his compound and when we get Ian out of power someone will have to be there to replace him." Bob explains, looking at me and nodding.
"Makes sense. I can do that and then tell you guys what they said." I say with an assertive nod.
"Great. Come back when you know." Bob smiles and adjusts his glasses again.~*End Of flashback*~
~*Violets POV*~I lay sobbing quietly on Jack's chest, wishing that his arms would grab me back again. I heard some men come in here a while ago and Maddie scream at them in terror. Ian probably wanted to toy with her again. How disgusting. I then hear the door into the room clank it's way open, they're probably bringing her back now. Although, as usual, Shane begins yelling at whoever entered, but this time is different than before.
"Kyle? Kyle! Let me out, Kyle, I promise that I will give you full immunity if you do it now. I'll even let your brother live through his crimes, I'll let you have a high paying job and everything. I swear on my life of you let all of us go right now, all of this will be okay." Shane yells frantically. His words make me stand from the floor and wander over to the door. I put my face up to the bars and allow my eyes to wander around the room. Sure enough, there's Kyle. He slowly walks passed Shane's cell and looks at me, his eyes connecting to mine. He looks nervous and his eyes prove it.
"What are you doing here?" I whisper, tilting my head and letting my eyes scan over him carefully.
"I talked to Mark." He answers me. I tilt my head even more and then, out of nowhere, I start to laugh.
"Really? That's what you came here to say? Oh, one man I loved is dead, so you better bring up the other one. That's just exactly what I need right now. How about you violate me too, or even better, how about you go and throw Jack's body off the wall?!" I scream, the tears returning and flooding my eyes. I grasp onto the bars and pull at them. I wish I had the strength to break them, just so that I could stick my middle finger in Kyle's little scared eyes.
"That's not why I'm here, I'm trying to get my brother out of power." Kyle admits. I scoff him off and roll my eyes, walking away from him and back to the floor by Jack.
"Then why would you help him get me out of the picture? It would've been so much easier to get rid of him, if he was never in this position." Shane declares in an angry voice. At least I'm not the only one pissed about this.
"I know... I'm sorry. I'm trying to fix that though, and Bob wanted me to ask you both some things." Kyle explains, exhaling at his words.
"She won't help you, not now anyways. Ask me." Shane demands, making Kyle go away from me.
"Well, I'm sorry for being pissed that my boyfriend was killed by your brother!" I scream and grab onto Jack's arm for comfort. There's no talking after that, I guess neither of them want to apologize or talk in these awkward circumstances.
"You talked to Mark, right?" I mumble, breaking the silence.
"Y-yeah, why?" Kyle stutters while he slinks towards my cell again.
"Did you tell him Jack was dead?" I mumble my question, slightly looking up to the barred window.
"Yeah..." Kyle answers me, his head staring down sadly.
"What did he say?" I ask him, making eye contact with him this time.
"H-he didn't b-believe that it was t-true at first... But th-then he just s-started crying." Kyle answers me, nervously stuttering along. I knew that Mark and Jack were close, but I didn't know how close they actually were. Interesting. However, our little conversation is broken by the door slamming itself open and the sound of feminine screams echoing through the cells.
"Hey guys! Hey little bro!" Ian chuckles while he walks along with, who I can only assume is Maddie.
"Ian! Let me out, I will give you and your brother immunity if you let me out of here now!" Shane shots at him like he has.
"Oh, but would you really? Even after I locked you up and killed your friend, Jack? I don't think so." Ian says with a childish giggle.
"Speaking of, little bro, were you talking to the deceased?" Ian giggles, moving his brother out if the way and looking inside at me.
"Y'know, he doesn't look too good, you probably won't want to hang around a body like that, Violet." Ian smirks at me while he speaks and I can't help the tears that slide down my cheeks.
"But, anyways, Madelyn, I think it's about time my brother plays the game now. You don't have anything else to do, right brother?" Ian chuckles at Kyle, staring him down intensely.
"Not now, Ian." Kyle answers him, waving his hand as if that would wave Ian away from the idea.
"Fine. Shane! I actually wanted to talk to you too. So, you want me to let you out, right?" Ian questions him deviously.
"Of course." Shane answers in his all business tone, but I'm sure he's suspicious.
"Then, why don't you play?" Ian chuckles.
"Play what, Ian?" Shane sighs in annoyance.
"Beat her. Your wife, I mean. Madelyn is too special and needs a break, but Violet hasn't had any today." Ian says. "If you do play with me, Shane, I'll let you go." Ian says, no laughing comes this time, and that's what scares me. Shane sighs and I see Ian simply smile.
"No. I won't do it. I actually have respect for the people I care about, and that is more important." Shane declares.
"Fine. You're so boring, Shane. I was hoping that we could be friends, but I guess not. Kyle, would you kill him for me?" Ian asks, turning back to his brother with a curious expression on his face.

Insanity (Sequel To Madness)
Fanfiction"I have nothing now. They took the only thing I had left, and now I'm broken. They didn't save me, they ruined me." Violet has lost everything, literally everything and everyone. The voices are getting worse, but she doesn't care anymore. What else...