District 6

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~*2 Hours Later*~

After a long while of walking we arrive at the compound of District 6. We are greeted by a large door being opened and the soldiers who led us here saluting someone inside. Shane stands at my side and has had a strong grip on my waist the entire time. Mark, however, has been behind me with both Maddie and Emmet. Wade and Bob insisted on being with them as well. I guess they didn't want to stand by Mr. And Mrs. Lancaster. I wouldn't want to either to be honest. I hesitate to enter the compound at first, but Shane simply walks and pulls me along. A man with dark brown hair and square shaped glasses propped on his nose stands in front of the door with his arms crossed.
"Hello, Allan." Shane greets. Keeping one hand on my waist, he uses his other to extend and shake the hand of this man.
"Hello, Shane. It's been a while. I'd presume you are Mrs. Lancaster?" The man questions after shaking Shane's hand. I nod lightly.
"Yeah, I'm Violet Lancaster." I tell him, nodding again.
"Of course. I am Allan King, the owner of District 6, and this compound." He replies while crossing his arms once again.
"Nice to meet you." I say as polite as I can.
"Of course. Now, Shane, I plan to escort you to the location you will be staying at myself, if you don't mind." Allan states. Shane nods and releases his grip on me. Instead he rubs his hands together and then places them at his sides.
"Not a problem. Shall we go then?" Shane asks. Allan nods in response and they begin walking side by side. I wait a moment until Mark and the others have caught up to me.
"Shane told me this compound specializes in military and that's why there's all the soldiers here." I explain while I walk with the guys.
"Oh, that makes sense. What about Mr. Shane #2?" Wade asks gesturing towards Allan who walks with Shane in front of us.
"Well, he seems pretty full of himself, and pretty confident. Considering that he just walked off and ignored what I said right in front of Shane. But either way, his name is Allan." I reply while I keep my eyes staring at him.
"Well, Shane is also full of himself, depending on who he's talking to. That's not an insult by the way." Mark says with a nod. I can feel his eyes staring at me, but I decide not to look back for my own reasons. I watch as Allan and Shane talk to one another while they walk, how Shane continues to take nervous gestures with his hands and the rest of his body. Why is he nervous? Shane owns all the compounds, and this is just another one that he is visiting. Perhaps Allan knows something or is giving some threats. There must be a reason Shane had let go of me back there, maybe that has to do with his nerves. 
"You don't have to worry, Shane is a smart man and can handle whatever that guy is saying." Wade tells me. I glance at him and nod to myself, he's right after all. Shane can handle himself, and I would know.
"I know... I just have a lot of questions for him..." I respond in a slightly hushed voice.


We arrive at a house that is close to, what looks to be, the center of town. A large white home sits next to our own, and I'd guess that it belongs to Allan. Our house has tall, brick walls and an oak wood porch on the front. 
"I hope this will be able to suit your needs, Shane. This is one of the best quality homes in my compound, and it happens to be only a few blocks away from my offices where I will allow you to work. Is there any questions or requests for me?" Allan questions us in a monotone, almost dead sounding voice.
"How long will we be able to stay here?" Bob questions, adjusting his glasses like he always does.
"Oh, I had thought Shane told you. I am only allowing you all to stay here for a maximum of one month." Allan states, glancing at Shane while he does.
"I didn't think it was necessary information considering that I will have my compound fixed by then." Shane clarifies with a nod.
"Of course..." Allan replies.
"I also have a question... Will this house fit all of us?" Maddie asks, her eyes looking over the house.
"Yes, it has rooms on three floors. The basement, the main floor, and upstairs. There is plenty of room for you all." Allan declares while crossing his arms.
"Anything else you want to know?" Shane questions us.
"Nope." I answer him.
"Well, on that note, I'd like to invite you all to a dinner at my mansion tonight. I will have my assistant fetch you at 6, so please be ready by then." Allan tells us.
"Certainly, it would be a pleasure for us all to get to know you better and to be in your company." Shane says with a smile. He plays his part so well...
"The pleasure is all mine. Just having you in my compound is an honor. Now, I have business, if you would excuse me, and if you need anything feel free to ask." And with that, Allan leaves, walking down the street into the white house I had seen before.
"Now, shall we all go inside?" Shane questions, gesturing to the house happily. I nod and walk to Shane, allowing him to grab onto my waist once more.
"Come on, we might as well get settled before we go to the dinner." I suggest to the others. Maddie nods to me and takes Emmet by his sleeve and pulls him up the stairs of the porch. Shane unlocks the door with a small golden key and pushes the door open. We walk inside, and at that point he releases his grip on me. He holds the door open for the others while I walk to explore the home. All the walls are painted white and the floorboards look to be a dark oak, darker than the porch at least. I end up walking down a hallway that is to the left of the entrance. Down it are rows of doors and a single one at the end. I twist the first doorknob and find it to be a bedroom. I repeat this with all the rooms, which ends being 7 doors, and find them all to be bedrooms with the one at the end being the largest out of them all.
"Which do you want?" I hear a voice question me. I had been hooding onto the doorframe of the room at the end and examining the details of it. The floor had a wonderful, black, fluffy carpet covering the ground and the walls are painted the same color.
"You can pick first, do you want that one?" The same voice beckons me from behind once more. I decide to turn this time and find Mark walking lazily and glancing into all the rooms on his way towards me.
"I want to see where everyone else is being before I choose." I tell him while I begin to completely turn towards him.
"I get that... I like this one, though, and since I get first pickings, I pick this one." Mark chuckles. He walks into a room that is the first on the right. I chuckle at his childish behavior and roll my eyes slightly.
"What?" Mark chuckles at me while poking his head out the door. I shake my head and walk into his room.
"It's nice..." I tell him while I lazily look around. I turn around and instantly get a bit of shock. Mark stands in front of me while I take in a breath.
"You can stay here, with me... If you want..." Mark whispers. I shake my head lightly and back away.
"I..." I trail off and avoid looking at Mark now.
"Violet, what do you think of this room? I believe it will suit us well, and considering there are two beds it will work fine." I hear Shane's voice and him chuckle lightly. Mark steps to the side and I then see Shane walk inside.
"Unless, of course, you wish to stay with Mark. However, I wouldn't recommend that. Allan believes that we are married and he doesn't exactly trust me very much... Just him finding a small lie in my life could make all his trust of me vanish. I'm not asking you to share a bed with me, or even a room. Just... I'll place your things in my room." Shane sighs and begins his way out of the room. I grab his sleeve and sigh while tugging on it. Shane laughs softly and turns back to me.
"Yes?" He chuckles while his hands cup my face.
"I don't want Allan to get mad at you, so I'll stay in the room with you." I tell him, slightly turning my head to look up at him. His eyes soften and a smile goes onto his face, a rare sight this is. I smile back and Shane just nods.
"Alright..." He says happily. His hands fall off me and he walks across the wall to the room he chose for us.
"You didn't have to do that, just for his reputation." Mark says once Shane is gone.
"I know... I'm just... Not ready to be in a relationship now, and Shane respects that." I explain while I follow Shane's lead and leave Mark alone in his room.

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