How you guys met xx

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-CALUM- "Welcome 5 seconds of summer!" You didn't know who these boys were but you figured they were a local group that your cousin had herd singing at a bar or something. It was your cousin Sarah's wedding and they had hired this band to play. Almost immediately you eyed food and walked over to the table an ate up for the whole time 5 seconds of summer was playing and after. "You like food I see" a voice from behind you called. It gave you a shock and you dropped your plate of brownies. You turned around to see one of the boys who was performing. "You scared me. Good show" was the words that came to mind first. He smiled and thanked you. "So you are?" He asked curiously. "Oh I'm [y/n]" you grinned not showing teeth cause you were eating. "Well hi I'm Calum. Your funny you know that." He laughed shaking your hand. "Oh thank you thank you very much" you say trying to talk like Elvis Presley. You guys talked for almost a half hour until he realized he had to get home. "Hey it was nice talking to you, maybe we could hang out sometime." he smirked handing you his phone to enter your number.

-LUKE- The lights were bright sweaty bodies every where. Your friends had dragged you to some New Years party down town but you hated this kind of thing. While they were all dancing you sat at the bar bored to death. Ashton had dragged all the mates over to the party also none of then wanted to me there. "Hey Luke she is hot" Calum said pointing at you. "Sure kinda." Luke mumbled. "I dare you I tell her the stupidest pick up line" Michael laughed. "No!" He stated. "Yes!" Said Calum pushing him in your direction he stumbled over to you. You put on a big smile that gave him confides. "Um hi" he said shyly. "Hi!" "Um do you have a map I could borrow?" You looked at him confused. "Why?" You giggled he looked back at the boys you laughed realizing this was a dare. "I don't know" he didn't know what to say he was very awkward and you could tell. "They dared you to talk to me didn't they?" You said gesturing in their direction. "Oh ya they did" "Follow me" you took him by the hand an pulled him out of the busy club. "Where are we going?" He asked once you were out side. "Getting out of that horid place and making it look like your pick up line worked." He looked down at you and laughed then took you to a pizzeria you guys ended up hanging out tell 6 in the morning just to make it look like he was getting lucky, and in the time you became good friends which turned into more...

-MICHAEL- "Boys I'm going blue!" Michael shouted with joy and he walked into the kitchen. "Why don't you leave it brown" Luke asked lazily "Because that's boring" ashton stated patting like on the shoulder and nodding. "Thanks ash!" Michael grinned. "I found some place that specializes in hair coloring so imma try it out" he said happily while walkin toward the door. "Hey [y

] you got a client" your boss yelled. You walked into the waiting room and called out "Michael clifford for 2:00" he got up you looked at him and smiled "follow me Michael" you sat him down in the chair and started looking at his hair. "So your dying your hair am I right?" You asked. "Ya a vibrant blue" you brought him out all the blues and he picked out his favorite shade.
"Do you like it" you asked after turning his chair to face the mirror. "Ya! Love It thanks so much" he smiled playing with it. "If you ever need it dyed give me a call or just call me." You smirk before telling him to pay up front.

-ASHTON- "Oh my god i love that one" you said pointing at a dress you saw in the window of Forever 21. Your friend [y/f/n] agreed with a huge smile. You guys looked at different stores in the shopping center dreaming I have in the money to buy the cloths. "[y/n] what do you think is going on?" [y/f/n] said pointing at a big mob. You both walk over to see what all the fuss was about. The girls started pushing and screaming and you could barely walk any were. Suddenly a boy who seemed to be the center of attention was also trying to make his way out of the mob. He was pushing and shoving and pushed you a little to hard and you fell to the ground rubbing your head and you looked as if you had a concoction. He realized what he did and took you by the hand leaving [y/f/n] behind. He picked you up and ran inside a store where the workers shut the doors so he wouldn't get mobbed again. "Hey you okay?" You had blurry vision and could only see curly brown hair slowly you could start to see his features. "Ya I think so" you mumbled. "I'm really sorry" he smiled his dimples distracted you. "It okay" you said dreamily staring at him. He took you to a doctor when security took care if the mob.

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