Cinderella (1/2) xx

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Ashton: It was your senior prom and you were having the time of your life, the only problem was, you had to be home by a certain time which meant no after party with your friends. As the clock struck the end of the night, you made a dash outside and clumsy you, managed to drop your locket that held a picture of you and your father, right before he was shipped off for Army duty. You realized it fell, too late, but as you sat at home, tears filling your eyes at your lost locket, a young boy named Ashton Irwin, held the locket in between his fingers with a smile. "I'll find your owner," he says into the night. "And i'm gonna marry her someday."

Michael: "Just drop the phone for a minute will you, (YN)?" your friend begged you as you were walking out of school one day. You shake your head and laugh at the funny post you had just seen on your Facebook page, when someone bumped into you from behind, you dropped your phone, and your friend took that as an opportunity to drag you to the car and get you out of there for break. "I dropped my phone back there!" you shout and she shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe someone will find it and bring it back to you?" "I doubt it." you mumble as you look through your window, to be met by a blond haired boy who had a nice smile, what you didn't notice, was what he held in his hands, your phone.

Luke: "How do you lose a wallet, that you keep in your purse and don't let anyone else touch?" your sister growled through her teeth and you shook your head as you shone the flashlight into the darkness of the woods. "I don't know, but, i'm never going to get it back, but i need it back, it had everything in it, including the number of that guy i just met!" "What was his name?" you think about it for a moment. "I believe it was Luke, he said he was in a band, and i really like him, and not because of his looks or what he does, but his personality, he's a really chill guy!" your sister laughed. "Maybe this will turn into Cinderella and he'll become your prince charming and bring it back to you." the thought made you smile. "Let's hope so."

Calum: "You lost your diamond necklace your grandmother bought you right before she died?" your friend says to you in a panicked tone, and you nod. "Yes, i had it around my neck during gym, took it off in the shower afterwards, then forgot it in there, and when i went back in there to look for it, it was gone!" Your friend looked sad for you. "(YN), something like that, i don't think it's gonna turn up again." You nod and get into the car next to her. "I know, it just saddens me that that was the one thing i had to remember her by, and now it's gone!" you say without another word, your friend takes off. Calum was picking up his sister, and she held something in her hands. "What's that?" he asks, she shrugs. "Diamond necklace, found it in the showers." "Is it yours?" "No." "Then give it here, we're gonna find who it belongs to."

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