How he acts around YOUR child xx

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The child is not his.

Luke: wow okay so I feel like Luke would be a little timid at first when meeting your child because he doesn't want the kid to feel uncomfortable now that you and him are dating because he's not your child's father (if that makes sense) he would probably introduce himself really shyly but your child would open up to him instantly and be all excited to get to know 'mommy's new boyfriend' I feel like kids would absolutely love Luke so your child would probably fall in love with him instantly and ask him a bunch of questions and it would be really cute yet sad because they might say something like 'you're not going to hurt mommy too are you?' and Luke would say 'I will never ever hurt your mommy,' and your child would give him the biggest hug. Later Luke would hug you and say how glad he is that he finally got to meet your child.

Calum: Calum seems like such a sweet and caring person so I think that he would instantly have a connection with your child. He would probably offer to play with them and get to know them really really well because he's so in love with you and he wants to be a part of your child's life you know? He would definitely pamper them and like give them gifts and toys and do cute things like that and give them lots of hugs to make them feel really loved and accepted. He would probably always tell you how lucky he is to have you and your child in his life.

Ashton: Okay as I said in my last preference I feel that Ashton is very very good with kids so he'd probably be amazing with your kid too. He would introduce himself straight out from the very beginning and tell your child that he had been so excited to meet them for a while now and your kid would just light up omg. Ashton would probably do everything in his will to make your child happy and if they were sad he'd comfort them and make sure that they weren't sad for a long time. I feel like your child would love Ashton so much that they would say something to you like 'mommy if you get married to Ashton can I call him daddy?' and you would just tear up knowing that your child loved him just as much as you did ffs why do i do this.

Michael: Michael is a big goof so I feel like he would just try and be silly with your kid and make them laugh as much as possible so that they would open up to him. He would probably make stupid jokes and ask your child if they knew any jokes or he would play games with them like patty cake (if they were young ya know) or something like that. I also feel like your kid would think it was so cool that he was in a band so Michael would probably play guitar for them and sing to them a little and it would be adorable and they would clap and cheer after. Also I feel like if Michael had to go your kid would just cling onto his neck and say 'no please don't go just one more song' or something adorable and he would just give in because your kid is just so cute and he loves you so much frick

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