You're a competitive cheerleader xx

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Luke: "Yes, it is!" "No, it's not!" You and Luke were debating whether cheerleading was a competitive sport or not. "Well I have a cheer competition later so I'm going to practice with my team now," you said, annoyed. The competition just ended and you saw somebody waiting for you in the back. "Luke?" you asked, "what are you doing here?" "Look," he said, "I'm sorry. Cheerleading is a competitive sport and you're really good at it." You laughed, "thanks, babe. I love you." "I love you, too."

Michael: You were the flyer for your team because you're a pretty small person. Rarely, something goes wrong and unfortunately, this was one of the rare occurences. The person who was suppost to catch you wasnt paying attention so instead of being caught, your foot hit the ground and bent at a weird angle. You squealed and everybody stopped to look at you. Michael saw this happen and ran down the bleachers to you, picked you up, and took you home to take care of you.

Calum: You took Calum to your home town so he could meet your parents and see the house that you grew up in. When you got to your house, your parents weren't home yet so you dragged him up to your room. He walked slowly behind you as you pulled him to your room, inspecting everything in the house. You pulled him into your room and he looked around, mesmorized. "How many trophies do you have!?" "A lot," you shrugged, "they're from cheer competitions." I didn't know you were a cheerleader," he smirked. "That's hot."

Ashton: Ashton was on tour so sadly he wasn't able to come to your team's national performance. You guys went on and did great. Right before you guys walked off the mat, your friend ran to you and pointed in the audience. You looked where she was pointing and saw a smiling Ashton with his thumbs up. He gave a wave and you waved back. When the competition was over, you ran to Ashton and gave him a much needed hug.

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