Ignorance xx

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"If I'm a bad person, you don't like me

Well I guess I'll make my own way

It's a circle

A mean cycle

I can't excite you anymore

Where's your gavel? Your jury?

What's my offense this time?

You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me

Well sentence me to another life"

Ashton and you broke up a while ago, it was a petty quarrel that erupted into something much more. A fan or groupie, you didn't really care who it was, was seen going into the hotel room late at night and leaving with messy hair and wrinkled clothes. When you confronted him he denied if until he exploded with anger.


"Maybe if you cared more about me, maybe if you did something instead of sitting on your fucking lazy ass all day I wouldn't have!" He growled, his eyes narrowing.

"I do nothing for you, Ashton?" You screamed, fuming. "I could be a clingy girlfriend and not let you hang out with the boys when you finally get home considering the fact you're only home maybe a total of two months out of the year! But no, because I respect you want your space. I cook your dinner, I clean up after you and the rest of the lads, I feed the dogs and walk them! I make sure you're studio work is organized! Don't you dare say I don't do anything for you!" You clenched your fists, bristling up when you caught his gaze.

"You know, one of the things I've always hated about you was your whiny, pitchy voice. How shrilly you sound when you scream! I've also hated how boring sex is with you, how plain it is. It's almost a turn off." His voice was a few octaves lower then normal at this point.

"Oh really," you laughed coldly," You know, I'm done with all this. It's like every time you do come home we fight, it's just a circle. A endless, tiring circle. You're constantly the one accusing me, what will my trial and offense be next time? I made out with Luke? The only jury is you, and It's an unfair court. God forbid I talk to you about a rumor. Fucking Christ Ashton." He let you talk, but he was biting his tongue so he wouldn't make the situation worse and cut you off. "If you're going to accuse me of something else, because it's against your law for me to do the same, then sentence me to another life. But until then, I'm leaving." You glared at him and pushed past him, hearing him grunt when you're shoulder slammed into his side. And not even twenty minutes later you had packed your bags, leaving little letters in the boy's rooms to just say a small goodbye and left without another word to Ashton. He just let you go, his heavy breathing echoing the house when the door slammed shut. He never saw you again, he never unfollowed you from Twitter because he always wanted to make sure you were doing okay, but he never had the guts to text you and ask for another chance. He felt like you were to angry to hear him out.


"Don't wanna hear your sad songs

I don't wanna feel your pain

When you swear it's all my fault

Cause you know we're not the same (no)

We're not the same (no)

Oh we're not the same

Yeah the friends who stuck together

We wrote our names in blood

But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)"

You and Michael had been friends since childhood, two peas in a pod. You two were inseparable. But after things went downhill, you decided to end it for the better. Michael on the other hand, was hurt. He was heartbroken. He didn't want to believe it was all his fault, so he put the blame on you in an attempt to make himself feel better.

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