Management wants you to break up w/ him (2/2) xx

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From Ashy ♥ : What?! I'm coming over right now.
From Ashy ♥ : Please don't do this I love you.
Five minutes later, just like he said he pulled into your driveway and noticed you inside your car. He went over to the passenger side and tapped on the window. "Please open the door baby" He said tars running down his cheeks. You thought for a second and then unlocked the door. He instantly opened it pulled you into his arms. "Please tell me what I did wrong?" He asked. "Y-You did nothing wrong, t-they want me to break up with you" You sobbed into his chest. "Who?" He questioned again, tilting your chin up so you were looking at him. "M-Management" Was all you could get out. He nodded his head hugged you tighter. "I-I'm not leaving you" He yelled getting angry. "Fuck what they say, I love you Y/N, I can't lose you" You kissed his cheek and nuzzled into his neck. "I'm not leaving you either Ashy" You smiled at him.

You collapsed onto the floor and sobbed until your eyes hurt. You felt your phone going off and you pulled it out your pants pocket. The first thing you saw was a text from Ashton.
From Ashton: What happened with you and Luke?!!, he came over crying.
To Ashton: Management is making me break up with him, but I don' t want to Ash, I love him.
That was the last thing you had heard from them. You were currently in London recording for you new album. "Can I take a break?" You asked taking your headphones off, your co-writer nodded and you exited the booth. Walking out into the streets of London you noticed a crowd of girls surrounding a group of people. You were too far to see who, but when you moved up you wished you would have stayed in the studio, your eyes locked with Luke's. Shit! He noticed me. You thought. You pulled your eyes off him and began walking away. You faintly heard your name being called/ "Y/N Y/N" The voice continued to shout. You turned around and saw Luke running towards you. Once he got to you he pulled you into his chest. "I-I miss you so much baby I need you back" He cried into you chest and looked into your eyes hopefully. You just nodded and kissed him wrapping your arms around his neck. You finally had him back.

You quickly ran out the door after him and then you saw him sitting on the ground. "Mikey I-I'm sorry, I wanted to try, I did, but if I'm the reason my bandmates no longer have this career I don't think I could live with myself" You said. He looked up at me and you noticed his tear-stained cheeks and red/puffy eyes. "I-I did this? I made you cry?!, I-I'm so stupid" You cried out. Covering your eyes with your hands so you didn't have to see him cry. After what seemed like forever you felt arms wrap around you and pull you to their chest. "I love you princess and I can't lose you" He said. "We'll figure something out I promise" You whispered into his ear.

You called his phones mutliple times leaving his voicemail after voicemail. "Please pick up" You cried to yourself calling him again. After two rings he picked up. "What?" He yelled into the phone, "I-I'm sorry I need you, I don't care about the management anymore, I just want you please Cal, I love you" You sobbed into the phone, hanging up and pulling your knees to your chest. About two hours of sobbing you heard the front door open. You quickly got up and went to the front door to see Calum. "Cal?" He didn't respond all he did was pull you into a hug and whispered; "Don't worry, we'll work this out" You just nodded and wrapped your arms tightly around him.

I N S T A G R A M:


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