Best friends in love xx

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Ashton: It was movie night. You and your best friend Ashton had this ritual that you'd go to his house every Friday night and watch a dumb movie. Now that he was always on tour these nights didn't happen very often so you were looking forward to this. You snuggled up into his couch with blankets thrown over you and popcorn between you watching some lame romantic comedy and commenting sarcastically on what was happening. "This is so stupid, real life isn't like that," you remarked as the main character admitted he was in love with his best friend. "It could be," is what you thought Ashton murmured. "What did you say?" you looked up at him. "I said it could be like that. No, (Y/N), it is like that because I love you and I have for so damn long." He didn't need to say any more as you reached your hands around his neck and pulled him down for the first of many kisses.

Calum: You sighed heavily and turned on the television. It was so lonely around here without your best friend Calum and his bandmates. You flicked through the channels until you came across one with an interview with 5 Seconds of Summer that was very recent. "So boys," the interviewer asked. "Everyone is dying to know, who's single? Who's taken? Who's interested?" She went through each of them and Calum came last. He looked hesitant but you knew he wasn't seeing anyone. "Well there I can't," he rubbed the back of his neck. A nervous habit of his. The interviewer and the other boys began pushing for an answer. "Fine fine. I think, no, I know I'm in love but it's complicated. She's... she's my best friend, my everything and uh, (Y/N) if you're watching this I guess the truth is out. Call me." It cut to commercials and you picked up your phone, dialling Calum's number to tell him you loved him too.

Luke: "We're not eight years old any more Luke!" you screamed across the room. "I can make my own decisions and I don't need you to tell me who I can and can't date!" You and your best friend were fighting a lot recently. He didn't approve of the guy you were seeing and you didn't see why it was any of his business. "(Y/N)!," he shouted and walked over, closing you in between him and the wall and placing his hands on either side of your head. He lowered his voice, "He doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who puts you first, who would always be there - no matter what." He stared down at you. Whoa, he was intimidating. You rolled your eyes, "Hah, good luck finding me someone like that." His response took less than a second. "I already have," He slammed his lips onto yours, holding nothing back. "I love you so, so much," his breath tickled your ear as you eagerly responded to his lips.

Michael: "So Calum, truth or dare?" Ashton wiggled his eyebrows as the younger boy responded with dare. "I dare you to run around the room naked." Calum laughed and started to strip. Before he took off his pants a pair of hands blocked your eyes. "Thank you Michael," You knew immediately that it was your best friend. "I definitely don't need to see this." Calum completed the dare and you resumed the game when he was finally decent. "Okay Michael," Luke began. "Tell us who you like." The other boys eyed Michael and began to whisper to each other. "You didn't even give me the truth or dare choice!" Michael complained. "Fine. I dare you to tell us who you like," Luke spoke. "Mmnf," Michael mumbled. "What's that? I didn't hear you boy," mocked Luke. "(Y/N) YOU DICKHEAD," Michael screamed at Luke, anger in his eyes. You sat stunned as you watched Michael leave and walk into the kitchen. You scrambled to join him but not before turning back to the other guys. "That was mean. And for the record, I like him too."

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