Cute tweets xx

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@Y/T/N: @Ashton5SOS I miss your pretty face, come home already! Xxx

@Ashton5SOS: Y/T/N you're the one with the pretty face, check the right bedside table love there's something in there for you! miss you more baby xx

@Y/T/N: YOU BOUGHT ME TICKETS TO COME SEE YOU IN NEWYORK?!? @Ashton5SOS you are the best boyfriend in the world, I love you! xxx

@Ashton5S0S: see you in a couple of days baby, love you more :D xx
@Y/T/N: @Calum5SOS I found one of your old sweaters yesterday, it makes the best pyjama top and it smells like you too! I just really miss you :( xx

@Calum5SOS: @Y/T/N I miss you too baby girl, only 6 more days and you'll be in my arms again :) p.s I miss your nachos xxx

@Y/T/N: @Calum55S0S you know whats for dinner your first night back right ;) xx

@Calum5S0S this is why I love you! skype you tonight princess xxx
@Y/T/N: @Luke5SOS I think you're really sexy and you're the sexiest person in the world, love you sexy xoxox

@Luke5SOS: @Y/T/N lukey get off my twitter, but I still think you're pretty sexy :P xx

@Y/T/N: @Luke5SOS (Y/N) why are you on my twitter? Wait why are you on my phone, give me my phone back (Y/N) !!

@Y/T/N: @Luke5SOS why were you just tweeting of both off our accounts pretending to be me? I don't even know but you're such a weirdo, my weirdo :) xxx
@Y/T/N: @Michael5S0S baby order some pizza, I'm coming over and I'm going to kick your ass at black ops :) love ya xx

@Michael5S0S: pizzas ordered, game on @Y/T/N but you know I'm so going to win :P love you the most xxx

@Y/T/N: @Michael5SOS we will see how much you love me when I kick your butt mr Clifford :P x

@Michael5S0S: @Y/T/N I will never love you any less, but if you win I'll probably fall for you more if that's possible :) loser plays for pizza baby, better bring your wallet xx

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