Airport xx

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"Hey there,"his voice was soft and caring, as he lifted your chin, "pretty lady, kind lady, smiley lady. Smile, yeah?" You giggled through the haze of sadness and tears, amazed at him in general. "Ah, there it is. I like your smile. I like you, too." He pressed a kiss onto your forehead, tightening his grip that was secured on your torso. "Actually, I love you. Loads and loads." You giggled once more, playing with the hair at the scruff of his neck and whispering a reply. "See you soon, babe. Promise."


"Cool people don’t cry," he whispered into your ear, pushing back tears of his own. You rolled your eyes, burying your face deeper into his neck. He sighed, rubbing your back. "I’ll be back soon. It’s only 2 months, okay?" Your stream of tears became heavier and he cursed at himself. "Sorry, baby. What I actually mean was that when I get back, which whill be very soon, we can cuddle all day, yeah? I’ll even let you watch the stupid movie that you love. I’ll do it, just for you." Your tears stopped and you let a small smile grace your lips, kissing his own. "Save some for when I get back. I’ll be here soon. I love you."


"Shit," he cursed as he saw the hoard of fans crowding around the airport. "Guess we have to say our good-byes in here," he muttered as he pulled you into his lap. He buried his face into your hair, inhaling the scent and trying to imprint into his brain. "I’ll be gone for a little while," he started, "and while I’m gone, I don’t want you to be sad. I want you to be happy because once one day has gone by, it means it’s one day closer to seeing me. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?" You nodded, swallowing your tears as he gently sat you back down and gathered his things. "See you soon, babygirl. Love you loads."


"I’m going to call you everyday," he promised, pressing a kiss to your nose," and I’m going to text you and make sure you’re always okay, because I love you." As the two other promises filed out of his mouth, he pressed two more kisses to your face, missing your lips. By the end of his rant, you were aching for his actual lips. "Sorry, baby. Just trying to remember your lovely face." You giggled, finally pecking his lips. "One more, yeah?" He smirked, bringing your lips to his in a deeper kiss. "There we go. Now, I’m gonna leave. I’ll keep my promises, don’t worry. See you later, baby. Love you."

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