Leaving for tour xx

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Mornings before leaving for tour were always the hardest for you and Ashton, the alarm going off at ridiculously early hours of the morning and both of you wanting nothing more than to stay in bed and cuddle although you both knew you couldn't. The night before tour it was yours and Ashton's tradition to bake something and until this day you still don't know why but you always have, most of the time you both end up eating half of the cake mix or throwing the ingredients on each other anyway. When it comes time for Ashton to leave in the morning you always find yourself going quiet and Ashton being the sweet boyfriend he is he always tries to cheer you up and he is always reassuring you that you guys will see each other, Skype, texts and calls every night when he's gone. Although Ashton doesn't show it he really is devastated when he leaves you at the airport to board his flight, even shedding a few tears when he gets on the plane but he would never ever tell you that. Saying goodbye to Ashton is probably the hardest thing, gone for months at a time but you both find ways to get in contact whether that be by phone or flying out to see him, having him back in your arms always makes saying goodbye worth it.

There was no way of sugar coating how Calum felt about leaving for tour, he was of course excited but he hated saying goodbye and so did you. The night before Calum would leave to go on tour he always went quiet not wanting to waste the time he had with you, always cuddling you and placing sweet kisses all over your face just to show you how much he didn't want to leave. Calum was a massive softy when it came to you; he would do anything for you just like you would do anything for him so when it came to leaving in the morning he would always give you a small present and something of his to keep while he was gone. The first time he went away he bought you a charm bracelet and now every time he goes on tour he gets you a new charm, you currently had 6 little charms and you knew there were many more charms to come. He liked to leave you his favourite t-shirt and a pair of sweats when he leaves because he knows how much you love them; they were probably your favourite clothes too. Calum never really liked you coming to the airport to say goodbye because he'd always feel horrible, leaving you behind and he was always too tempted to just take you with him which he'd actually done once or twice. The distance was hard when it came to Calum being on tour but the time you got to spend with him makes it all worth it, your love for Cal was strong and no amount of distance could break that.

Luke always refuses to acknowledge the fact that he's leaving for tour until literally the morning before, he won't even start to pack because he just doesn't want to say goodbye. Luke loves touring, he loves his band mates and he adores all of his fans but there was just always something about the saying goodbye part that he could never handle. The night before the tour and even days leading up to the tour you're not allowed to mention the tour our even say anything to do with the tour and if you do Luke just smothers you in hugs and kisses to keep you quiet, so of course you always purposely let a few things slip. Luke always needs your help when it comes to packing for tour as he seems to find anything else to do than actually packing whether it be watering the garden-which he never does, or offering to paint your nails -which is another thing he never does. You almost pull Luke back down to earth when it comes to him leaving for tour, reminding him of how much fun it's going to be and how many different places he will visit and although the pout never leaves his face you know your words sooth him. Luke loved bringing you to the airport to say goodbye because he always adores the extra time with you, the two of you basically sticking like glue when it came to saying goodbye. Both of you failing to admit it at first, the distance was hard and when it came time to saying goodbye when the last kisses and cuddles were shared for months at a time saying good bye was extremely difficult and the 'I miss yous' broke the both of your hearts.

Michael was the reason for 5SOS being late to the airport almost every time that the boys left for tour, constantly sleeping through alarms and refusing to leave his bed because he wanted to cuddle with you. 'just a little bit longer' was an all too common phrase when it came to Michael getting out of bed on any morning but when he had to leave for tour that's when it was used just a little too much. You being the person you are who adores sleep just as much as him, you slept through the countless alarms that are set the morning before he leaves and can never refuse his cuddles either, so it's probably a little bit your fault when the boys are late to the airport too. You hated when Michael left for tour and he knew that too, he was always reminding you of how much he loved you and he was always constantly reminding you that you guys would see each other soon. Michael could never go to long without seeing you so you found him flying you out to wherever he was every 2-3 weeks and you weren't exactly complaining, you adored spending time with Michael on tour. The both of you always thought that him leaving for tour would get easier with time, the distance becoming more bearable every time he left but you were both wrong. Michael always got upset when it came to saying goodbye, his sudden clinginess was his way of showing how much he was going to miss you on tour but you loved the clingy side of him which meant sweet kisses, cuddles and constant sweet nothings being shared. Michael loved you so much it hurt, as did you and when it came time for leaving for tour you two were basically inseparable, not letting the distance keeping you apart.

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