He leaves you for his ex (2/2) xx

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[Four Months Later]
Moving on for you was hard at first but then you started going out, having fun with your friends and forgetting about Ashton, that was until today. You heard a knock at your door "Hold on!" You shouted. Pulling on a random sweater and some shorts, you headed down to the front door. "Hel-" You started to speak but when you noticed who it was you stopped. "What are you doing here?" You asked. It was Ashton. "I-I broke up with her" He said. "And why would I give a shit?" You asked again. "Look Y/N I was stupid, I didn't think about it, I made the biggest mistake of my life and I'm sorry" He replied. "And It took you four months so realize your mistake?" You asked. He stayed silent, making you continue. "Ashton I can't forgive you for what you did, you hurt me, I stopped going out, talking to my friends, everything and even after all that I still love you, I shouldn't but I do" You finished. He looked up at you and then kissed you. "I-I'm so stupid I hurt you, I-I can't forgive myself but-" You cut him off with a kiss. "Welcome back" You said smiling at him.

"Y/N might not wanna look back right now" Y/B/F/N said. Being the idiot you were, you turned around anyways and saw Luke coming into the house that you were in. "Who in the hell invited him to MY birthday party?" You asked, turning back to her. "Cal" She replied. "I'm gonna to fucking kill-" You were cut off by someone tapping on your shoulder. "Yea?" You asked, turning to the person. "Luke?" "Happy Birthday Y/N" He said handing you a small box. "What are you doing here?" You asked, rolling your eyes. "I came to get my princess back and I'm not leaving until you're mine again" He stated. "Then prepare to stay here forever, because I'm not forgiving you" You said. "Look, I made a mistake. Everyone was right, you were the one that was there for me when I needed you, H/EX/N wasn't she used me, she told me that she only wanted to see me with her and no one else, I-I just want my princess back" He stuttered out, I could tell he was about to cry. I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. "Promise to never leave again?" "I promise baby" He said wrapping his arms around you.

You were awoken by rocks being thrown at your window, looking over at your alarm clock it read: 3:06 AM. You went towards your window, opening it to see Michael and the rest of the guys. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU GUYS WANT?" You yelled down at them. "I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH HER" Michael yelled back. You began confused, the guys must of read your expression because he said, "Babygirl I promise I didn't sleep with her, I-I lied" "Why?" You asked. "She told me that you were cheating on me and I believed her, I'm so stupid" He called back. Before you could reply they all started to play their instruments and Michael began to sing.
I remember the day I told you I was leaving, I remember the makeup running down your face. and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them. Like every single wish we ever made. I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memories I never can escape'
Cause I'm not fine at all
"I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me" He sobbed. "Get your cute little ass up here" You said smiled down at him.

When you woke up you smelled bacon and eggs being cooked in your kitchen. Confused, you began walking downstairs. You stood in the doorway and saw Calum, cooking on your stove. "What are you doing?" You asked. He jumped and turned around at the sound of your voice, but calmed down shortly after. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. "I-I came to say i'm sorry and that I want you back" He cried out. "But-" He stopped you by coming towards you and cupping your face. "I'm so dumb, H/EX/N w-was using me, and she told me that she didn't love me and that she only wanted me back because she knew she could take me away, but its you, it's always been you" He said. "Please forgive me" You hugged him "I forgive dickhead" You said. He kissed your forehead. "Let's eat baby" He said.

I N S T A G R A M:


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