He's Seen On A Daily Vlog xx

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ASHTON:You're checking your social media websites when Calum walks up to you. "Hey, honey bunch," he says as he ruffles your hair, "you might wanna check the comments on the video you uploaded this morning." You frown but do as he says. Once they load, you can see that most of the comments are about Ashton, who apparently can be seen throughout the video. How had you not noticed while editing? You wanted to keep things a secret to avoid the hate you'd inevitably get, and he respected it. You're still sitting in stunned silence when Ashton sinks onto the couch next to you. "You've seen them too, huh? Well, I'm okay with telling them if you are. But we'll have to do it soon - I don't want to upset anyone."

CALUM:"Babe?" you hear Calum call from his bedroom, "Can you come here a minute?" You look at Luke, who only shrugs, before you go to find your boyfriend. He beckons you to the bed, patting the blanket beside him. He gestures to the screen, displaying a particular Tumblr post. It's a gifset from your last vlog, in which Ashton and Calum had been behind the camera. Ash had managed to stay out of the way, but apparently Calum hadn't. It's blurry but it's obviously him in the mirror that had been behind you. Silence falls between you. "At least you edited out us kissing," Calum says after a minute, making you crack a smile. "So, do we want to play this off as being friends, or shall we finally spill the beans?"

LUKE:You and Luke are walking around when you run into a fan of yours. After a few minutes of chatting, she abruptly changes the subject. "So, are you guys a thing?" Your eyes go wide. "I saw him in your last vlog," the fan explains, "it was all over Tumblr and Twitter, too. We're trying to figure out if you're together." You and Luke share a look, though he looks much less terrified than you are. The blond had been after you for a while, but you didn't know if you could handle the distance. "So, are you guys dating or not?" she asks impatiently, lips threatening to split with how wide she's smiling. Luke glances at you before smirking, "We're not dating... yet. She's holding out on me. But, trust me, I'm working on it."

MICHAEL:"Mike, did you tweet something rude from my account again?" He shakes his head, green hair falling everywhere. Confused, you continue to scroll through your Twitter feed, looking for the source of the explosion in your notifications. You find it a few minutes later. It's a screenshot from your latest vlog, where you'd filmed the last 5SOS concert of their current tour. Your relationship with Michael had been kept under wraps for both of your sakes, yet the picture of Michael kissing your nose is undeniable proof of what the fans had been speculating for ages. "Shit," you groan, showing Michael the picture when he looks at you, "must've been from when Cal had my camera. What are we going to do?"

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