His reaction when he hears you sing xx

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A/N: These are all going to be in his POV :) Hope you like them!

Ashton: "'Cause it's too cold for you here, right now." I heard coming from the bedroom. I peeked in and (Y/N) was dancing around singing to the song by The Neighbourhood. Wow, she's beautiful. Her voice is stunning. I never would have guessed. I wonder if she knows how amazing she is? Should I let her know I'm here? No, she'll stop singing then. Wow.

Calum: I came over to surprise (Y/N), because I got home a few hours earlier than what I thought. "Hey, ba-" I stopped mid-sentence to see (Y/N) with her back turned to me, ear buds in, belting out the song she's listening to, amazingly I might add. Wow. She danced around a little bit and I giggled. I walked over and snaked my arms around her waist, startling her. "Hello, beautiful. You have an amazing voice." My comment made her blush all adorable-like.

Michael: "STORY OF MY LIFE, I'LL TAKE HER HOME!!!" I heard from downstairs. I go down to see (Y/N) on her computer singing along to Story of my Life by One Direction, loudly. It's awful singing, but that's okay. She's perfect in every other way. I look at the look on her face and can tell she's gotta be watching the video. She's so adorable.

Luke: The guys and I decided to go out tonight to some kind of bar place. It's supposed to have live music, so we were just going to check out the music. A gorgeous girl came on stage and introduced herself as (Y/N). She started playing and singing an Ed Sheeran song, beautifully. She literally took my breath away. After she was done with her set, I went up and introduced myself. "Hi, (Y/N), I'm Luke, and I think your amazing."

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