He comforts you when you feel insecure xx

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Ashton- You were looking through the most recent meet and greet photos and feeling pretty shitty about yourself. Ashton was kissing and hugging all these girls who in your opinion were ten times more gorgeous than you could ever dream of being. And you felt stupid for doing so but you started to tear up."Babe? What's wrong?" Ashton asked puzzled as he walked into the room. "Nothing." You reply instantly wiping underneath your eyes, trying to play it off like you weren't just crying. He sits down beside you and looks at your laptop, "Why are you looking at these?" He questions and you just shrug your shoulders because honestly you didn't even know. "Please tell me what's wrong." He pleaded gently squeezing your thigh, you sigh "All these girls love you and they're so much prettier than me-" You start to explain but couldn't finish because Ashton had smashed his lips to yours. He pulls away and whispers "I have never met anyone more beautiful or more lovely to be around than you. You're my world, okay?" You just nod unable to form words before kissing him again.

Calum- You and Calum had been walking around L.A earlier enjoying his day off and the paps had not failed to snap pictures of the two of you. You were now currently looking through them on twitter and seeing what people had to say. Mostly how horrible you looked, which you couldn't deny, you had thrown your hair up in a bun and weren't wearing any make-up. The tweets kept pouring in, some wondering why Calum was dating you, others saying you should kill yourself. You bury your face in your hands, your cheeks are wet, you hadn't even realized you'd started crying. You walk out of the cramped bedroom of your hotel room, into the living area where Calum was planted on the couch. He sees you and instantly comes rushing to your side pulling you into his embrace, you melt in his arms, feeling so safe. "Why do you even like me?" You question sobbing into his shoulder, his hand starts rubbing up and down your back "What? Why wouldn't I?!" He responds perplexed. "Your fans all think I'm ugly and you could do so much better and-" you explain wailing, but Calum stops you putting his finger to your lips. "People who say shit like that aren't fans of mine, because my real fans know that you're perfect and I couldn't find someone half as amazing as you are if I looked for a million years."

Luke- You recently watched an interview 5 Seconds of Summer had done the other day, and even though you didn't want to be the jealous clingy girlfriend, that's how you were feeling. They had asked Luke who his celebrity crush was and he instantly answered Mila Kunis. You couldn't help but compare yourself to her, and in your eyes she just seemed so much better than you. You were even starting to worry she was better in Luke's eyes. Your laptop starts ringing, it's Luke of course calling for your daily Skype session, something you guys do when he's on tour. "Hey, what's up?" He asks cheerfully, adjusting his fringe. "Nothing, sup with you?" You reply half heartedly. His face scrunches in confusion"Y/N what's wrong?" You sigh "I feel so pathetic for being upset over this Luke." You confess sheepishly, he reaches out toward the camera then drops his hand remembering he can't touch you. "Just tell me what's going on." He pleads in a low almost inaudible voice. "When you said your girl crush was Mila Kunis, it just made me feel really insecure I know its stupid." You explain looking down at your lap, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Y/N you're so beautiful, and the reason I didn't say you were my crush is because you aren't, you're a girl I'm completely hand over heels for."

Michael- You were analyzing yourself in your full length mirror, picking out every notable flaw. After going shopping today and feeling ugly in absolutely everything you tried on, you could help but pick yourself apart when you got home. "I'm so gross" You mumble to yourself as you pinch your love handles hoping it'd make them go away. "Don't ever say that about yourself." Michael instructs sternly wrapping his arms around your waist. "Its true." You tell him miserably, hating yourself. He spins you around so your standing, face to face, his green eyes looking down at you. "Y/N you're so irresistible, how can you not see that?" You smile slightly at how sweet he is, he grabs your hands and places them around his neck, then wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. You gently rock from one foot to the other as he starts to sing, "I find your lips so kissable, and your kiss unmissable, your finger tips so touchable, and your eyes irresistible."

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