You fall asleep on him xx

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You and Ashton were snuggled on the sofa having a lazy day. You really wanted to stay awake to watch the movie but your eyes kept drooping and you knew you weren't gonna last very long.
Ashton knows you're about to fall asleep so he pulls a blanket over you and starts to rub your back slowly.
"Good night cutie." He smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

You were laid in bed with Calum the night he finally came home from his tour with the boys. Your head was on his chest and his arm was around your waist.
"There was this crazy fan that followed the bus on a bike, she tried to hard to meet us." He laughs, looking down at you laid next to him. "Oh, you're asleep..."
He pulled you closer to him so you were nearly on top of him, then kissed your temple and went to sleep too.

You were currently on tour with Luke and the lads, and you went to every show so you were exhausted the day after. You don't know why you're always so tired, you don't even have to perform!
The boys were all playing video games and you were cuddled up next to Luke, trying to concentrate on watching them play, but you were really tired.
"Luke." Calum said, then nodded down to you.
"She's so cute." Luke smiles, stroking your hair then continuing to play.

You and Mikey were currently flying from Australia, where you were visiting his family, over to England for a while. It was one of the longest flights you've ever been on and you were bored.
"Not much longer now babe, then we can finally go to Nando's." He jokes, before realising you were fast asleep with your head in his lap.
"Guess i'm no fun then." He jokes to himself, playing with your hair.

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