You got mad because he got is first lapdance xx

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"Why Ashton?" you try to control yourself and your conflicting feelings. "Why would you need that for your birthday? A stripper! Really?" you continue to interrogate him as he looks everywhere in the room but at you. He finally looks into your eyes and takes a deep breath, "For the last time, Y/N, it wasn't my choice. If you wanna yell at someone, go get Calum or Michael or..probably not Luke because that surely wasn't his idea..but don't blame me!" "Fine" you say, turning away. You know that it wasn't really his fault. You could definitely see the other boys doing that to him, just to get him in trouble. You sit down in the kitchen chair and Ashton continues to look at you. "You okay, Y/N?" he asks after studying your face for a little while. You shrug. "I know what it is," he says, "you're just jealous that I got my first lap dance and you didn't." "What?! No, Ash, why would you say that?" you shriek, but it's too late. His shirt is already off and before you know it he's on top of you, gyrating his narrow hips so that his butt is inches away from your face, making it hard for you to be mad at him any longer. The other boys come into the kitchen, and freeze when they see Ashton. "Ash..what are you doing?" Luke asks. He stops for a moment, but you pull him back to you by the waist. "He's busy. Sorry boys" you say, sending them away in massive fits of laughter, just as you are in, yourself.


You had a long day at school, with tons of exams and reviews going on, not to mention it's Calum's birthday. On the way home from school, you picked up his cake and called Michael. "Hey Mikey, I'm on my way back from school, wow it's been a crazy day..and I have Calum's cake...oh, by the way this is Y/N...but I'll be there s-" "Hey Y/N" Michael finally picks up the phone. "Hi. So, I have the cake. I'll be there soon. Okay? Bye." "Bye, Y/N" Michael says, snickering, and just before you hang up, you hear someone shout your name. It sounded like Calum, but you decided that it could wait until you got there. When you arrive at Calum's house, you knock, and no one answers. After a few minutes of waiting, you take out his spare key from under the doormat and let yourself in. You can just barely make out some music - party music, it sounds like - coming from another room. You slowly walk to the back of the house, through the long front hallway and into the kitchen. When you get in there, you see it. "CALUM THOMAS HOOD WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING" you scream, seeing the back of his head in front of a girl, who looks about ten years older than you, wearing minimal clothing. "Y/N! Thank god you're here! I got home and-" he began, but you cut him off. "No. You," you say, pointing to the stripper, "off my boyfriend. Bye, have a nice night. Now, anyone care to explain?" you say, looking at Michael and
Ashton mostly.


It is Michael's birthday, and you were invited out to dinner with him and the other boys, so you obviously accepted, taking the opportunity whenever they included you in their little group. It wasn't anything fancy, just a quick meal where you spent more time talking and listening than you did eating. Neither you nor Michael had ever been there before, but the others had. You took two separate cars, so you left with Michael first and the others stayed back to pay the bill, then they went back. It took Michael quite a while to find the right word, and by the time you got back to his house, the others were already there. After sitting at the restaurant and in the car for a few hours, you stood up and stretched as Michael fumbled with the keys. You follow him into the house and close the door, locking it as he makes his way to the living room. "Hey, guys. Where are you?" he shouts as he walks through the long hallway. "Hello there, birthday boy" you here an unidentified female voice say. "Michael!? Did you know about this?" you growl at him as you two stand in front of the trashy stripper in front of you. Suddenly, the boys pop out from behind the couch. "Surprise!" they yell, seemingly waiting for your reaction. "You, bye" you say gesturing the stripper towards the door. "As for you," you say, turning to the boys, "who wants to tell me what happened?"


It's late in the evening and you're driving home from your after-school activity. It's also Luke's birthday. Despite your hectic schedule, you managed to call Luke in the morning to wish him a happy birthday before you went to class, which actually woke him up, as well as a few other times during the day. He had told you that he would be spending the afternoon with his friends and that by the time you got home he would be all yours, which made you smile. You pull into his driveway and quickly fix your hair before hopping out of the car. That's odd, you think to yourself, noticing that Ashton's car is still parked in front of Luke's house, along with a car you've never seen before. You knock on the front door and Calum answers it. "Oh, Y/N, you're here..early? Are you early? I thought you weren't supposed to be here for a while and that you were c-" "What's going on in there, Cal?" you cut him off as you hear an unfamiliar voice. "Oh, it's nothing, we just-" You cut him off by pushing past him and into the house, to find Luke tied to a chair. His eyes widen when he sees you, almost in relief. "Y/N, help me please?" he says, his eyes doing most of the pleading for him. "You over 18?" the girl asks. "Out" is your response, and she leaves. When she's gone, you turn to Luke. "Luke, why did you-" this time you're the one being cut off. "Y/N, if it makes you feel any better, I'd much rather get a lap dance from you" he says, making you blush and the other boys burst out into fits of laughter.

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