Nerdy people and not so nerdy people (Highschool Au) xx

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Michael: Some people thought of Michael as a bad boy. They weren't exactly right, but they weren't exactly wrong. Michael was your next door neighbor. You didn't talk to him much but your parents were good friends so you did have conversations from time to time. You were considered a nerd in your school. You liked to study and got amazing grades. You usually saw Michael walk to school alone everyday, or at least on the days that he would actually show up. One day as you were leaving your house to start on your walk to school, you heard somebody call your name. "Y/N! Y/N, wait up!" You turned towards your left to see Michael run across his front lawn and then yours to end up standing in front of you. You looked at him, wondering what he wanted. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school together," he said. "Sure," you smiled and started walking the route to school. You both walked in silence for bit before you decided to break it. "How did you know what time I was going to leave at?" you asked with a small smirk on your lips. You continued to look down at your feet. "Coincidence...?" he said, it sounded more like a question than a statement. You looked at him with that smirk still on your lips. "Alright, you caught me," he admitted, "I looked out the window and waited for you to leave your house." You laughed. "I don't stalk you," Michael chuckled, "I swear." You both laughed until you reached school grounds. "I guess I should go to my locker," you said, facing him. "I guess so," Michael said, "I expect to walk with you to school tomorrow, too!"

Luke: You got partnered up with Luke for lab in chemistry. He was a nerd and you weren't. You weren't popular but you weren't a nerd. You were one of those people that's just nice to everyone in general."Did you understand anything that Mr. Clark said? He talks way too fast," you said, trying to start conversation. "No, I have no idea what he just said," Luke laughed, "but I think I might know what to do." Luke lied. He understood everything that Mr. Clark said and he knew exactly what to do. He just didn't want to be that type of person. For once, he didn't want to be a nerd. You listened to what Luke told you to do and the experiment came out perfectly, "For somebody who didn't know what to do, you did a great job," you said with a tint of sarcasm. There was silence for a little bit until Luke scratched the back of his neck and admitted, "I kind of knew what to do." "I know, Luke. I'm only kidding. Don't be shy; intelligence is sexy."

Ashton: You were at your locker, putting some books away and taking others, when they walked by. They were the popular crowd at your school, or as you liked to call them, The Assholes. One of the football players slapped all of your books out of your hand and the cheerleaders all laughed. Once they left, you turned to pick up your books and saw somebody helping in the corner of your eye. You looked to see who it was. It was Ashton. Ashton was the person that everybody loved and everybody was friends with. He was the nicest kid in the school. "I'm sorry," he said, handing you your books. "Don't be," you said, "it's not your fault." "Well, I have to make it up to you," he said. "You don't need to." "But I want to." "And how would you do that?" you asked. "Would you like to go to dinner?" he asked. "Together?" "Are you asking me out on a date?" Ashton gasped. You laughed. "I'd love to go on a date with you. How does Saturday sound?" Ashton asked. "It sounds perfect," you said. "It's a date!" he announced and then walked away with a smile on his face.

Calum: Calum was that popular football player who had a crush on a not so popular nerd. Only Calum's closest friend knew about this and he thought that it was cute. But of course Calum's closest friend didn't play football and didn't have dating expectations. But basically, those dating expectations were to date a cheerleader and of course the cheerleaders made that up. Everybody liked Calum; 'every girl wanted to date him, every guy wanted to be him.' That was every girl, except for you. You were one to keep to yourself and not care about what other people did or what they thought about you. But that was why Calum liked you so much. Prom was coming up and all the boys had girls in mind to ask, so everybody was wondering who Calum was going to ask. You, on the other hand, were not going to prom. You didn't like to dance so you thought, what was the point? Calum spoke to his friend about asking you and his friend said to go for it. Calum was scared, of what people would think about it and of what you would say. Calum decided to just go for it because how can anyone possibly say no to him? He saw you walking home from school one day so he ran up to you. "Y/N!" You turned to see Calum running towards you. You just turned back around and continued to walk. He caught up with you, "Hey." "Hey," you repeated. "Umm," Calum started, "do you want to go to prom with he?" He smiled at you and looked you in the eyes. "No," you said with an apologetic smile. His face fell, "well, why not?" "Because I'm not going to prom." "Why not?" "Because I don't want to." "Why not?" "You sure ask a lot of questions," you said. He just looked at you. "I don't like to dance," you said. "Why not?" You laughed, which caused him to laugh, "I'm not a very good dancer." He smiled, "it'll be fun! I'll teach you!" You looked down and then looked back up, "Why are you asking me, anyway?" "Because I like you." you shook your head, "shouldn't you be going with a cheerleader or something?" He grinned, "well sometimes people end up dating their prom dates and I don't want to date a cheerleader, I want to date you." You blushed. He pulled out a ring from one of those toy machine things and got down on one knee, "So will you, Y/N Y/L/N, go to prom with me, Calum Hood?" You laughed and nodded, "I'd love to."
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