Assigned to kill- Calum xx

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He was the first to shoot, unexpectedly, but he was nowhere to be found. You leaned over picking up the bullet that was shot into the crate. Your eyes scanned over the marks that out lined it. “Just what I thought,” You said to yourself. Just as you were taking your gun out, another shot was fired, this time it hit your thigh and you screamed out in pain. Get in and get out, you repeated your instructions in your head, except you wouldn’t be able to get out. This is it…you then said. They would kidnap you and you’d be done for. They would get all the secrets of the government that you worked hard to save. You scream caused a shuffling from above you and you then heard quick footsteps. You shut your eyes, tears threatening to spill, even though you were always taught to suppress your feelings, your hurt, anything that made you smile. That’s why you broke up with Calum in the first place. He made you feel loved, which is a good feelings, but one you were taught never to have. Through your suppressed whines, you felt another presence, someone standing over top of you. “Please if you’re going to kill me just do it.” You cried out, clutching your bleeding thigh. “Y/N oh my god.” Your eyes opened wide and you looked up to see Calum, who you hadn’t seen in years. “Y/N I am so- I had no idea it was you.” “C-Calum?” Your voice was shaky, your eyesight becoming blurry from the amount of blood you lost out of your leg. “Oh my god what have I done.” He cursed at himself, and your head fell back against the cold brick wall. “M-my leg, you shot my leg.” Your tone was gravelly. “I know dammit, I didn’t know you were-I had no idea.” He quickly ripped the bottom of his shirt and tied the piece around the wound to try and stop the bleeding. “I’ve got to get you out of here before the others come back.” His arms lifted you up and he jogged into the back, into the car parked on the street. “You know this is why I broke up with you…” You told him, trying to regain some of your strength. Calum looked at you with hurt eyes. “I never wanted this to happen,” You chuckled, “And it’s exactly what did.” He settled you in the passenger side and got in the driver’s seat, speeding off. Deep down, he was glad this happened because it was a reason for you to be back into his life.

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