Do Not Disturb Mikey Smut xx

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{Where Michael and his best friend (or girlfriend) go to Comicon and things he heated up in the hotel room.}

Fuck not f**k
Cum not c*m)

"Michael this is seriously awesome! You're the best." I smiled, hugging Michael tightly, enjoying the feeling of his broad arms wrapping around the small of my back. It was my birthday, and my best friend of seven years showed up at my house two days ago and took me to comic con. Also known as the thing I've been wanting to go to since I practically hit puberty.
"It's no big deal babe." Kissing my forehead, Michael was quickly whisked away by a couple of fans who wanted a picture and autograph of him. I bit my lip, watching as he ruffled his hair before smiling for the camera and giving the almost crying girl a hug. Michael soon enough looked over at me, and could probably tell that it was almost time for us to go from the way I was pointing at my watch. I really didn't want to leave either, but Liz told us to wrap it up in five minutes so that we could skip the part of being trampled by the stampede.
"Are we still on for tonight?" asked Michael as he walked past me down the hall, to the back door where the bus would be waiting just outside for the crew.
"Yeah, of course!" I smiled.
"'Kay see you tonight! You have a key-"
"Yup, be there at eight-ish." Giving me one last smile, he ran off to catch up with the boys, and jump on Calum's back for a surprise piggyback ride. Making a wave of laughter erupt from the younger boy's mouth as he caught him like he was a feather.
"Hey Mike!" I called out, my voice echoing throughout the larger than average size hotel room as I let the door click behind me. I took a few strides before flopping out on the messy, unmade bed, pulling out my phone to scroll through tumblr.
"Hey, [Y/N]." he said, walking out the bathroom, in nothing but flannel pajama pants. Michael's hair was slightly damp, indicating that he just came out of the shower, and I let my eyes rake down his body, quickly falling on the low hanging of his pajama pants. Shaking my head slightly I tried to occupy myself with my phone while Michael was tossing some clothes onto a pile on the floor. In the midst of almost beating my high score on cut the rope, Michael thumped my foot, making me flinch back and lose the game.
"Ouch!" I laughed, looking at him over the screen of my phone.
"Put your phone down! It's our annual movie night birthday celebration thing majig." He whined, bringing over an extra large pizza box, with a stack of movies on top while climbing next to me on the bed. Rolling my eyes, I locked my device, setting it down on the dark wooden night stand.
"So, what you got?"
"Ummm, we have The Purge, The Conjuring, Drive Me Crazy, and 21 Jump Street." said Michael when spreading them out across the white down comforter. Twisting my mouth to the side, I found it difficult to choose because I wanted to watch a horror movie so it would give me an excuse to have Michael wrap his arms around me, but then again I didn't want to shit myself.
"I don't know, The Conjuring?"
Half a box of eaten pizza, and a couple of frightened squeals from me later, I was practically latched onto Michael's side as he silently chuckled, making me swat him a couple of times, only to feel his calloused fingertips trace subconscious circles into my bare shoulder.
My breaths come uneven and bated as Michael's hand began to slide down my back, and I laid there, waiting for his palm to come down on the fleshy part of my bum and jut me forward, closer to his warm body. Nothing. His sneaky hand just goes back to my shoulder, and I mentally huff out a sigh.
"Oh my god she's gonna die!" I shouted as the mom who was possessed began crawling through a tunnel, trying to murder her own child.
"Wait.. Oh my god, what the fuck!" I exclaimed, a tear about to escape my eye, once again Michael was laughing at me, and I bit my lip. It was nearing the end of the movie where the ghost buster type people began chanting words to get rid of the demon, and I could still hear Michael snickering.
"It's not funny you ass." I mumbled.
"Come on [Y/N] it's just a movie-"
"Based on a true story!" Throwing my hands up in the air for more emphasis, Michael had this look on his face as if he was trying so hard to not burst out laughing for my benefit, but he just couldn't hold it in.
All of a sudden the woman was back to normal and I missed it because Michael was still laughing at me!
"Oh my gosh! You made me miss it!" I said shoving him so his leg fell limp over the side of the bed, the warmth of his arm leaving my shoulders.
"No, you missed it on your own!" he laughed.
"You laughed at me so I couldn't help but look you ass!" I said trying to hold back my laughter.
"I couldn't help it, you were freaking out and it was so cute I had to laugh!" he said letting his laugh flow out of his mouth.
"You twat!" I shouted trying to stifle my own laugh, once again I pushed him but it wasn't enough, so I climbed on top of him and started tickling him. Mike was freaking out and laughing so hard I swear he was going to pee.
"That's what you get for being an asshole on my birthday." I said through gritted teeth as I attacked him with my hands.
"Stop! Please stop!" he managed to get out amidst his laughing.
"No, you suck!" I said continuing my assault on him. All of a sudden he hulked on me and pinned me down to the king sized bed. The light feeling in the room became thick with a tension that was indescribable. The way Michaels large hands pinned my wrists down into the mattress, and the way that he panted heavily above me, our pupils locking with each others, practically waiting to see who would break eye contact first. It seemed as if neither of us were brave enough to do it.
"Can I kiss you?" My breath hitched in my throat was he whispered four simple words, and before I knew it, I gave him a slight nod before his lips came down on mine. My heart was pounding and I was beginning to feel a heat spreading from the rest of my body down to my core. Tilting my head to the side, my lips molded with Michael's, and in the back of my mind I always thought that something like this between us would be odd, but it felt amazing. Michael lightly bit my bottom lip and sucked on it and I parted my lips to allow him entrance. I decided to not even put up a fight, and just let his tongue dominate mine as his hands now slowly slid down my arms, falling beneath my bust area.
To my dismay, Michael broke the kiss, only to move down to my neck, peppering it with kisses until he heard me whimper, finding my hotspot that has just where my collarbone hit my neck, sucking on that area until he left a red mark.
He continued his work there while his hands started traveling down my gym shorts, running his fingers across my wet folds, making me moan from the pleasure that was erupting from the bundles of nerves.
I could feel his smirk on my skin and he continued what he was doing.
"Shh," He hums. "Don't think, just do this with me."
"Fucking hell..." I groaned loudly looking down at his low hanging pants, noticing a very prominent bulge in his pants. Grinding his hips down to mine more roughly, he silenced my whimpers and moans with a kiss, tangling his fingers in my hair. I raked my fingers down his back, sliding them into the waistband of Michael's pants, breaking apart our lips so I could mutter 'these need to come off.' Smirking down at me, he gave me a wink before ridding himself of his red and blue flannel pants, quickly moving to rip off my flimsy pajama shirt.
"Where have you been hiding these?" he whispered and let out a small chuckle, his rough hands squeezing my breasts and I let out a groan as he did it again.
"You're so beautiful." Michael whispered kissing back up my neck and planting a final kiss on my cheek, he started pulling off of me, but I wanted him. I was undeniably horny after all the shit he had just done, he wasn't going to leave me all worked up. So I just grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped us over, reversing the position we were in not even ten minutes ago.
"Michael?" I said softly, and he looked up at me, his gorgeous eyes peering into my dull, ordinary ones, I was somewhat embarrassed to ask him to ask him for anymore, I mean he stopped for a reason, right?
"What is it?" he asked, and I remembered I was hovering over top of him, more than half naked. Pushing that feeling aside, I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "You made me really wet." I then took his earlobe between my teeth and I felt as he shook away the chill I had caused him, "Please make me cum." Without saying anything else, Michael slid off my sorry excuse for shorts and underwear, leaving me stark naked in front of him. It was too late for me to feel self conscious now, and I gasped as Michael flipped us over again and pushed two fingers past my folds, invading my entrance without warning. Soon enough, Michael's lips were reattached to mine.
"Shit, you're so wet..." he mumbled against my lips.
"Ughhh, harder!" I demanded and he picked up the pace pumping his fingers in and out of me violently. "Yeah, like that baby." I moaned as he continued working me with his fingers. The familiar burn started forming in my stomach and I could feel everything, I could feel myself tightening around his fingers.
"Release for me, [Y/N]." Michael hissed and I did as he asked. I let go and he slowly came to a stop reconnecting our lips. When he pulled away he stared into my eyes and seductively suck his fingers clean causing a new wave of horniness to engulf my body.
"Yum." he smirked as he brought his lips to mine once more. I then trailed my hands down to his hard on and rubbed it through his briefs.
"That could be saved for another time, but for now, I need you." he groaned as he began pulling down his briefs, letting his length spring free. My heart fluttered at the words 'another time,' but that was quickly placed into the back of my mind when Michael teasingly began to rub his hard on against my slick folds.
"Just get in me already." I huffed out as he pushed in the tip,
"A little..." he said sliding in a bit further, "Patient." he smiled as he pushed in all the way making me throw my head back.
"Oh fuck!" I screamed as he began pounding in and out of me harshly. "Fuck, you're huge!" I groaned, causing him to go deeper hitting my g-spot.
"How are you still so tight." He groaned out, nuzzling his face into my neck, and I let my fingers latch onto the napes of hair on his neck.
"Mikey, fuck me hard!" I shouted as I got closer and closer to my high, my moaning was uncontrollable, and I could care less if the people in the next room could probably hear me.
"I'm close, [Y/N]." he groaned out.
"Me too, uh babe." I moaned causing him to go even harder, it hurt a bit, but the pleasure was enough to make me forget about the pain.
"I'm gonna cum!" I screamed.
"Yeah that's right baby girl, cum for me. Want to feel you release all over me." He growled, which was enough for me to hit my high, screaming out his name and a string of profanities along with it. Everything went black, I could just hear Michael groaning and grunting and cursing as his cum filled me up, dragging out my high. He gradually slowed, riding out our orgasms, and then he just stopped, and lay on my chest motionless; my legs were numb and my eyelids heavy. Eventually Michael rolled off of me, and all that could be heard was our panting echoing throughout the room.
"I think my birthday just got ten times better." I breathed out, giggling towards the end, making Michael laugh along with me.
"How about we make it twenty times better?"
"Are you offering me a round two Mr. Clifford?"
"Keep on calling me that and it might lead to a round three."

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