Your child/children meets new sibling/s xx

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"Look sweetie," Ashton smiled, lifting your three year old daughter up to the bed that you're holding your newborn baby boy in. "This is your baby brother!"
"Brother? I wanted a sister Daddy!" She pouted, making Ashton chuckle and you roll your eyes.
"Maybe later baby, but for now you have a brother." He laughs, taking the baby boy from your arms and holding him in his own. Your little girl kisses her baby brother's head, and you smile, appreciating your perfect little family.

Your twin sons had been staying with Calum's parents whilst you were in hospital giving birth to your daughter. You were on your way home to see them all and introduce your new baby girl.
"Mummy! Daddy!" Your boys shout, hearing you enter the house.
"Shhh!" Calum whispered, as your daughter woke up and began crying. Calum lifted her into his arms and rocked her, then knelt down to show the boys.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Calum smiles, kissing her head.
"She's cute enough." Your son says, running off to play with his toys again, earning a laugh from you and Cal.

"I wanna hold her!" Your 5 year old daughter said, seeing Luke comforting the crying newborn baby girl in his arms. Luke kept whispering 'shhh' as he pulled the 5 year old to his side.
"Give her kisses baby." Luke smiled, as your daughter leaned over and kissed her new sister on her head. "Do you like her?"
"I love her Daddy." She replied, snuggling into Luke's side as he laid down on the sofa and your three favourite people fell asleep together.

You had waited a long time to have your second child; 10 years to be exact. Your son had waited a long time to be a big brother.
Your son walked into the hospital room, immediately giving you a hug. Then he went Michael and gazed down at the sleeping baby boy in his arms.
"Woah..." He smiles, looking down in awe.
"So he was worth the wait?" Michael asked, rocking the baby boy in his arms.
"Definitely." He smiles, already thinking of what to teach him first.

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