Management wants you to break up w/ him (1/2) xx

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"Give me one good reason why I should?" You asked. Your record label had called you in to tell you that you should break up with Ashton. "He's no good for you" One of them said. "He is only using you Y/N" Other added. You scoffed. "I love him and I'm not breaking up with him" You said, crossing you arms. "If you don't break up with him, we will drop you from the label" "You wouldn't do that" You replied. "Yes we would" He said. You now had tears flowing down your cheeks you looked up and them and just nodded. Getting up and walking out of the room.
The drive home was silent, well besides your quiet sobs. Once you pulled into your driveway, you got out your phone and texted Ashton.
To Ashy ♥ : Please don't reply to this. Don't call me or come over, we need to break up. I'm sorry Ashton I love you forever & always.
You hit the send button and your sobs became louder.

You walked home in silence but tears were running down your face. Once you got into your house, you saw Luke in the kitchen cooking. "What are you doing here?" You asked. He jumped at the sound of your voice and then laughed and said; "Hello to you too baby, I thought I'd stop by-" He cut himself off noticing that you were crying. "Woah are you crying, what's wrong" He continued. "M-Management wants me to brea-k-k up with you" You stuttered out. "You're not going listen to them are you?" Luke asked. You looked up at him and stayed silent. He just shook his head. "I can't believe this" He said. "I-I'm sorry" You cried. "If you loved me you would have fought for what we had" He said. "I-I d-do love you Luke" "No you don't" He replied turning around and heading out the door, ignoring your pleads for him to come back.
From Lukey :) xx : Hope you have a nice life, tell your management the deed is done.

"There is too much drama going on Y/N!" Your manager screamed at you. "Even your fucking bandmates don't like him!" He continued to shout. "STOP YELLING AT ME" You began to cry. "I'm sorry Y/N but you need to break up with him, the hate, the rumors, everything I know it's getting to you" He said calmed down."You know nothing" You muttered. "Yes I do, and I know one things for sure, if you don't break up with him you and your band aren't going have a label anymore" He replied. "W-What you can't do that, we worked so fucking hard for this" "I'm truly sorry but you have to call it quits for you two" He said. "O-Okay" With that you walked out the door to see Michael standing there. "You're not going to even try?" He scoffed. "Mikey-" "Don't call me that" He said. "Go tell him that we're over" He mumbled walking away.

You walked into the house to see Calum on the couch sitting in silence. "You okay Cal" You asked sitting down next to him. He stood up and got in front of you. You eyes widened when you saw him holding your phone. "When were you going to tell me" He asked. "Tell you what" He laughed bitterly and said "That your management team wanted you to break up with me?" "I-I" You started but he cut you off. "I'm not mad that it's what they want, I'm mad because you agreed" He said,throwing your phone to the floor, walking out of the living room and then out of the house, leaving you stunned.

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