Best friends- Calum xx

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Nervous, that was the only word that you could use to describe your best friend at the moment as he paced around his dressing room, which made you worried because Calum was never really got overly nervous about going on stage but tonight for some reason he was. Stopping Calum from pacing, you pulled him in to a quick hug- the only way you could think of stopping him from pacing up and down so rapidly. "Cal, why are you so nervous you'll be amazing! There is nothing to worry about" you reassured him, pulling away from the hug to see his cute little pouted expression turn into an even cuter grin. "I know (Y/N)" he replied, "I 'm just being silly" he said, trying to convince you that he was fine but you knew he wasn't because he kept fidgeting with his fingers and he wasn't able to keep still which were all of the signs that Calum needed to show to prove he was nervous. Before you could say anything else, the rest of the boys entered the room all ready for their concert that they were due on stage for in about 5 minutes so you took this as your cue to leave. Walking over to Calum you pulled him into another embrace, "you'll be fine Cal, there's nothing to worry about. I'll see you out there, good luck! even though I know you and the boys will smash it" you said, whispering the first bit into Calum's ear only for him to hear. "Thanks (Y/N), I'll be singing to you and only for you tonight" he said as he pulled away from the long hug, kissing you on the cheek as you did so. Walking out of the dressing room you said goodbye to the rest of the boys, wishing them all good luck and giving them each a peck on the cheek before you went to find your seat in the crowd.
Standing front row in a crowd of what seemed to be like thousands of girls wasn't exactly our idea of fun but you would definitely do it over and over again to see your best friend and his band play, you absolutely adored them. Waiting for the boys to come on stage, a few girls around you asked for a couple of pictures to which you happily obliged because you adored the boys fans, they were always so sweet towards yours and Calum's friendship which honestly couldn't make you happier considering you and him had been friends forever- literally. You and Cal met before you could both even crawl, with your mum's being best friends you basically had no choice but to be best friends considering your families were always together but honestly you couldn't have asked for a better best friend, you absolutely adored him. Your parents are convinced that you two will get married but you and him both know that those types of feelings for each other had come and gone, dating for a little but a couple of years ago but deciding that you preferred to be best friends which is how you guys have stayed until this very day. Calum is everything and more that you could ever want in a best friend, he's your shoulder to lean on when you need to cry, he's the boy you talk to about everything and he knows exactly what to say, he's the boy that will pick you up when you're down and he's the boy that no one could ever take away from you, Calum hood was your second half basically attached by the hip.
The sound of the screams erupting from the audience made you jump, noticing that the boys were walking out on the stage which was when the intro to 'lost boy' started to play, making you join in with the squeals too. Positioned basically right in front of Calum, you giggled as he spotted you in the crowd, pulling a funny face which only made the girls scream even louder thinking that he pulled the face at one of them. You found yourself singing and dancing along to the lyrics of the song, watching as your best friend and 3 of your closest friends completely jammed out on stage, they were honestly made for the stage was all you could think as you became captivated by the looks of excitement and enjoyment on their faces. Half way through their set, the boys went off for their water break and as the crowd noisily awaited their return, you felt you phone vibrate in your hand and assuming it was Calum you were completely surprised when a text from Ashton popped up on your phone.
Hey (Y/N), come back stage for the rest of the set we don't want you getting trampled out there xx -A
Confused to as of how you would get out of this crowd exactly, you began trying to push your way through the crowd but these girls were just not budging, only to see one of the boys security guards clearing his way through the crowd and easily helping you out. Sighing from relief as you made your way backstage, you instantly felt more comfortable back here than out there with all the screaming fan girls like sure you loved being part of the crowd but sometimes it did get a little too much for you. Sitting on the stool that you assumed was left there for you too sit on, you watched your best friend in complete awe feeling so proud of everything he's achieved you still weren't able to grasp how far they had all come.
Having watched this set a large amount of times, you were confused when you didn't hear the chords to heartbreak girl start to play considering that it was their next song, hearing Calum's voice flow through the speakers instead. "So guys, we are gonna change it up a bit tonight if you don't mind", Calum spoke into the microphone and his gaze flicking towards you for a second before he continued to speak. "tonight I wanted to play a special song for a very special friend of mine whose attending our show tonight" he beamed, turning towards you completely now with a very nervous expression on his face- which must've looked strange to the audience because to them he was now facing his side to them instead of standing front on. Gulping as you stared back at your best friend, you tilted your head slightly to say what the hell are you doing? He just shook his head a little, now making his way over towards you. No, what's he doing? You thought, he's not bringing me on stage or I'll have to kill him.
Now stood basically right in front of you, the chords to a familiar but unfamiliar song began to play, it was like you knew it but you just couldn't quite pick up what the song was exactly. Feeling Cal's tight grip on your hand, you tried to pull it from his but you couldn't because his grip was too tight. "Cal what the hell are you doing" you hissed, which only made him giggle some more the little shit, "Just trust me" he whispered as you let him drag you out on to the stage right to the middle, the crowd erupting into screams- the loudest ones you'd heard all night. You felt your cheeks blush immediately when Cal turned to face you, bringing his microphone up to his mouth he began to sing, he began to sing to you.
"It's all about you, it's all about you baby. It's all about you, it's all about you baby..." as soon as you heard the first line you knew why it sounded so familiar, Calum had sung this to you on your first date back when you dated and ever since then it had been one of your most favourite songs ever which automatically brought a smile to your face.
Calum began twirling you around on stage as he continued to sing the lyrics to you, the crowd still going mental and it was only when Calum began to sing the last chorus that you realised something that you probably should've a long time ago, you were crazy in love with your best friend and your best friend was crazy in love with you.
"And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to. But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do. So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do. Dancing on the kitchen tiles, yes you make my life worthwhile, So I told you with a smile...
It's all about you."
As soon as the music stopped and Calum's voice stopped flowing throughout the concert arena, everything went silent and it was only the two of you in the room. The deafening screams of the audience were blocked out, the other boys seemed as if they were no longer in the room and it was just you and Calum, staring intently at one another for what felt like hours but was only seconds, his soft lips against your pulling you back into reality. Suddenly, the screams were back, you were aware of the boy's presence but nothing about you and Calum had changed from before, lips still locked in a sweet loving kiss- neither of you even remotely bothered about the audience or the boys at that stage.
It was you who broke the kiss, pulling away with chapped lips you were met with the rosy cheeked grin from Calum who leaned in and whispered right against your ear, "I can't just be friends with you anymore (Y/N), we aren't just friends anymore and I needed you to know about my feelings for you because I just couldn't hide them any longer", his words sending shivers down your spine, we aren't just friends anymore. "Calum, I love you" you said, the words falling so effortlessly from your mouth that you didn't even have to think about saying them, it just happened. "I love you too" he replied, pecking you on the lips again only loud enough for the boys to hear who cheered for their friend obviously happy things had gone to plan and as you walked off of stage you realised that those cheers would soon turn into teasing because well you wouldn't expect anything less from them.
Sitting down on your stool you pinched yourself a couple of times, finding it hard to believe what had just happened, you were convinced you were in a dream but you knew that you weren't. You watched as the boys finished off the last of their set, the smile never leaving your face nor Calum's you noticed as you watched from side stage. Your best friend was in love with you, and you were in love with him although it was never obvious to you, nothing had felt as right as kissing Calum like you did tonight.
Who knows, Maybe your parents were both right, maybe you will end up marrying each other after all.

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