You two hate each other xx 2/2

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Ashton: The night was dwindling down and after playing many games and avoiding Ashton as much as you could—yet each time you would even look his way you noticed he was doing doing the same to you. Majority of the group had left so you began cleaning up, knowing that Michael wouldn’t do it. “Uh, Y/N can I talk to you?” Ashton came up to you as you were tossing leftover stale chips into a garbage bag. “What?” You replied, keeping your attention on the bag. “Um, like outside?” You sighed and stood up straight, “Why can’t you just talk to me here?” You twisted your upper body to get a good look at him. Ashton’s hopeful face drooped and he let a sigh leave his lips, “Nah, just forget it.” But the question burned in your head, you desperately wanted to know what it was he wanted to talk about. You dropped the bag and lunged to grab his arm before he could walk out of your arm span, “Wait, seriously what is it? Out of all the years I’ve known you, you have never looked at me like that.” Instead of a reply, you were pulled up the stairs, into a hallway that was dark and empty. “Why did you-” Just as the words left your mouth, Ashton’s lips were on yours; your eyes opened wide. Both of your hands reached up to push him way…but for some reason that you couldn’t explain, you stopped. Instead of pushing him away, your hands rested on either side of his face where you could feel a slight stubble that poked at your skin. You felt Ashton relax and you did the same. Never did you think this would happen, but as it was actually happening  you were ok with it. Ashton pulled away slowly, keeping your faces close together, “Damn you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You could feel his breath, “Why now? What took you so long?” You questioned. “I just… I don’t know really.” You could tell it was a tough subject and you weren’t going to complain. The feeling of his lips against yours was an amazing feeling that you never wanted to not know. 

Michael: Since the boys had a show later on, you had told Calum you were just going to meet them there. But he whole way there the only thing you could think of were the words Michael had told you. I just resent you for not picking me…On your way to the venue, you sat picking each word apart. It felt like a movie with a bad cliffhanger at the end that made you regret going to the movie in the first place. Not picking him, did that mean he was jealous of your relationship? So what could you do? You were fully committed to Calum and had no intention to break up with him. When you got to the venue you had to suck up enough courage to go in there and not run straight to Michael, interrogating him on what he meant. “Hey sweets,” Calum greeted you with a sweet kiss to your lips . “Hi,” You replied, “Is uh, Michael around? I just had to ask him a question.” “What are you on speaking terms now?” Calum inquired with a light giggle. You shrugged, not wanted the secret to spill, “Uh yeah, yeah we are.” “Wow that’s something I didn’t think would happen like ever.” “Ha ha very funny,” you playfully nudged his shoulder, “Seriously I have to ask him something is he around?” “Yeah he’s just in the dressing room.” He nodded his heard toward the direction you needed to go in. “Ok, I’ll meet you there in a few.” You kissed his cheek and walked off to make your way to the room. “Michael?” You knocked a couple times when opening the door. “Yeah-oh Y/N, what are you doing here?” You walked fully in the dressing room, “Look I don’t know what you meant earlier when you said-” “How about we just forget it? I didn’t really mean it.” “So now you’re just toying with someone’s emotions? I had that stupid sentence in my head all day.” Michael sighed heavily and ran a hand through is disheveled hair. “Y/N you are so naive.” He chuckled, resting his hands on a table. “Excuse me,” You crossed your arms over your chest in a defensive manor. “The only reason I act the way I do towards you is because I’m in love with you.” If you were thinking anything at all, your mind had been erased and replaced with the words that left his mouth. “You’re..what?” He leant up straight and faced toward you, “I’m in love with you and have been for the longest time.” “But…I’m” “Yeah you’re with Calum I know, I know. You’re happy with him. Look I really don’t want to talk about this before a show. I think you should just go…” “Michael-” You wanted to piece together words to say to him but you couldn’t think of anything. “No seriously just go.” A part of you wanted to stay and bite the words out if him but another part just wanted to leave things be. You knew they had a show in a bit and the last thing you wanted to do was stir up trouble so you did exactly what he told you to do.  

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