Playing Too Hot xx

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If you don't know what too hot is: It's basically a game where you kiss someone and the first one to touch the other person loses.

You had just gotten over a fight with Ashton. You two were sitting on your bed, just after talking everything over. It was never a fun time fighting with Ashton, but you two always worked it out. Ashton grabbed your hips and started to kiss you. You pulled away and removed his hips. "Oh I see what we're doing. We're playing too hot, aren't we?" he asked. You nodded your head and started to kiss him again. He kissed back with passion and forgiveness. You felt his tongue enter your mouth. You gripped the sheets of the bed, struggling not to lose. He bit your bottom lip and pulled, only to move back in and kiss you again. Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as you pulled him closer. He smiled, knowing that he won. He pushed you back on the bed, wanting more.

Luke started to kiss you, gripping onto your hip. "No, no, no" you said, "Let's do something different. Let's play too hot" you said, pulling away from him. "You think you're gonna win?" he asked, smirking. You didn't reply, you simply pressed your lips to his. You licked along his bottom lip, begging for entrance. Your tongues moved together, fighting for dominance. You let Luke win, trying to get him to lose the actual game. His hands moved up to cup your cheeks. Smiling into the kiss you pulled back and whispered "You, Luke Hemmings, have lost". He continued kissing you, pulling you on top of him. Your hands found his hair, tangling your fingers in it.

You were at a party with a few friends. It started to rain so you had to come inside for the night. Everybody was sitting on the floor, soaked from the rain. "Let's play too hot!" Calum suggested, "and I think the first two should be (Y/N) and Michael" he said, smirking at you. Calum knew that you and Michael had a thing for each other. Neither of you ever bothered to say something to the other. You'd flirt all the time, but it never really turned into anything. You turned towards Michael, who was sitting next to you. Your hands were placed in your lap as you leaned towards him. Completely nervous, you pressed your lips against his. He responded by pressing his lips harder onto yours. You parted your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth. By this point you had completely forgotten where you were or who was around you. Your tongues moved together, exploring each others mouths. You bit Michael's bottom lip and a low groan escaped his mouth. You felt his hands fly to your hips and grip them. You continued kissing him, smiling a bit into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Guys...guys you've both lost. You can stop making out now. Hello?" Luke was trying to get your attention. You pulled away from Michael and turned your head towards Luke. Michael's lips were now attacking your jaw. You giggled and pushed him away. "Sorry guys, once you start going you just can't stop" Michael said, both of your faces were now red with embarrassment as you realized you just made out in front of a ton of people.

"I'm so bored!" Calum complained, laying on the couch. "Let's play a game then" you suggested. "What game?" he asked. "Let's play too hot" you said smirking. "Oh, you're on" Calum said sitting up. You sat down on the couch next to him. You smiled before pressing your lips on his. He kissed back full of passion as he traced his tongue on your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You granted him it, and your tongues moved together. He bit your bottom lip, raising his hands but then dropping them again after remembering the game. You continued to kiss him, trying to dominate over him. Without noticing, your hands flew up to his hair and tugged gently. "Ha!" Calum yelled, sitting back, "I win" he smiled. You shook your head and leaned in to kiss him again.

Michael's might be a little longer like { } <---- that much soooooooooooooooo BYEEEEE (awkward silence......)

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