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Hey guys!! last night i was really bored and i started reading some rejected by my mate kind of books. Then all of the sudden and idea came to me and i wanted to write like a little short story of me being the main character that basically got rejected by an Alpha wolf and all the cliche stuff. so i wanted to share my little story to you all but im not done yet. please tell me if its at least readable like you can actually understand what's going on. and im 100% positive that this us mine i wrote it in my notes i swear this is MY work and i just got inspired by books about being rejected so if you see anything that is like some of those kind of stories, it means i got my idea from there. So no hate please!

Oh and btw Angel is me and all the other names are made up except my brother's name Nathan and all of this isnt true

I woke up with a pounding on my door with my brother screaming " GET UP YOU LAZY DIPSHIT AND MAKE OUR BREAKFAST FOR THE PACK! I SWEAR YOU ARE THE MOST OBNOXIOUS SISTER IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!!" I sighed and got out of my bed to get ready. I was used to these comments ever since my parents died and ever since my brother slapped me for the first time.
Apparently, I was only a 10 year old pup, walking around the woods because my brother was busy with football. I was walking until i heard a sound. Then all of a sudden 20 rouges jumped out of the bushes and started to advanced towards me. I screamed for my parents, a few seconds later my parents ran to the woods in wolf form, trying to fight off the rouges. But then an Alpha rouge came out of nowhere and killed my parents. They killed them right in front of my eyes. I called the pack and my brother through our mind link and told them what happened. After i finished i ran to my parents bloody body and hugged them, never wanting to let go. My mom looked at me with almost lifeless eyes and said her final words to my brother "protect her" then with one last squeeze on my hand, she fell limp on the ground. I let out a hurtful howl, i looked at my brother seeing his eyes filled with loneliness, sadness, and anger. He looked at me with rage then slapped me hard for the first time. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT ANGEL, IF YOU HADNT GONE OUT TO THE WOODS OUT PARENTS WOULDNT BE LIKE THIS!! I HATE YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH" After that he ran away. And that was when all the bullying started.
I took a quick shower, got dressed, and ran to the kitchen before i get another beating. I made pancakes, waffles, fruit salad, scrambled eggs, and fried some bacon. Dont look at me crazy, there are 175 pack members in the pack house so i had to make a lot of food. When the pack smell the food, they all ran down and ate their food while i stand in the dark corner, waiting until they're finished. The soon-to-be Alpha said that i dont deserve food so they made me watch them eat. After they finished, i cleaned the dishes and went to school. When i got there, i was greeted by the usual mean comments about how much im a fatass even though im only 95 lbs because i was starved. I ran to first period and, like always, am the first one there. I went and sat in the back of the classroom and put my earphones on and listen to Don't Stop by 5 Seconds of Summer. After a few minutes the bell rang and all the students came flooding in. I had this class with my top 3 bullies, the soon to be Alpha who's name is Jayden, my brother Nathan, and the school's biggest slut Candy and her name is seriously Candy. They all sat a few rows in front of me. Candy went to sit on Jayden's lap and start to kiss the living shit out of him. They were literally having dry sex in the classroom until the teacher finally came in and interrupt them. When class began, i started to sketch out images. For some reason, whenever i sketch things out its turned out to be real. Like one time when i sketched out me falling down the stairs, on the same day, one of my bullies pushed me down the stairs so hard. I had to pop my bones back into place. Right now i sketched out me meeting a cute guy who has really blue eyes. When i was about to sketch some more, the bell rang meaning 1st period is over. I packed my stuff and ran out of the class before my brother and his friends caught me.

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