He makes you feel insecure #2 xx

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Ashton: You couldn't wait until Ashton got home from recording. You sat on the couch practically wiggling with excitement. You had just cut your hair in a new style, and it was quite dramatic. You had very long hair, and you had loved it. But you had the same long hair for years, and it was getting quite heavy and quite hard to manage. So after much contemplating you decided to cut it, up to about your chest area, adding some layers and some side bangs. You were so happy with it, it was light and free, and defiantly a nice change from your old look. You refrained from putting up any photos on facebook or twitter in case a fan saw or even Ashton, you wanted it to be a surprise for him. He had loved your hair, but you needed a fresh start. You heard the key rattle in the door and you couldn't wipe the grin off your face. His bag dropped to the ground by the door and his footsteps echoed off of the hall. "(Y/N), are you home babe?" He called out. "In the living room!" You yelled back, waiting for him to round the corner. He came into view and you smiled widely, his eyes growing wide. "What the hell did you do?" He asked, surprise clearly evident in his voice, but not the kind you were expecting. "What do you mean? I cut my hair." You said, a little hurt at his reaction. "I can see that, but why? Long hair suited you so well." He said, you flinched a bit, obviously he didn't like it. You swallowed the hurt and stood up. "I needed a change," You said walking out of the living room, your voice flat, your mood clearly ruined. "Wait, (Y/N), come back." You ignored him though, walking towards your bedroom. You heard his footsteps behind you. You left the door open knowing he would just open it regardless. "I didn't mean it like that, its just really shocking! I love it, it looks great! But babe, you have to see what I mean, you didn't even tell me so obviously cutting like six inches off of your hair is going to shock me." He said, grabbing your hand and turning you around to face him. "I took nine inches off, I donated it. You don't hate it though?" You said in a small voice, looking up and peering at him through your new bangs. He shook his head with a small smile on his face. "Of course not silly girl, you look beautiful anyway. I'm proud of you for donating it, thats wonderful." He said pushing your bangs out of your face and leaning in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss, already feeling better.

Calum: You walked down the stairs to see Calum waiting for you at the base. He looked up smiling, but upon further inspection his smile faltered a bit. You looked at him confused, as you met him. "What?" You asked, a little uncomfortable. "You're wearing that shirt?" He said, eyeing the neckline. It was a bit low, but you didn't think it was that bad, you had worn a lot worse and Calum hadn't said anything, if anything, he approved of it. "What do you mean? Its not that bad," You said tugging at the fabric to cover your chest. "We're going to a family get together, I don't want them to get the wrong idea." He said. You blushed furiously, nodding your head. You turned on your heel, walking up the stairs to go change. You now second guessed everything in your closet, wondering what image you were projecting about yourself. What did Calum think of you, did he bite his tongue at most of what you wore? You didn't hear him come in the room, but you felt his hands slip over your waist and hug you from behind. "I didn't mean it like that love," He said resting his head on your shoulder. "You know some of my aunts are a little more judgmental then the rest of my family." Again, you nodded your head. "Please don't feel insecure, your bloody beautiful, and smoking hot." You couldn't help but laugh a small bit. "Put one of those weird things under your shirt that you sometimes wear, and we'll be good to go." He said kissing your cheek. You laughed louder this time, "A bandeau?" You said. "Don't get technical," He said cheekily, you laughed before finding a colour that matched. "I love you," You said to him. He smiled back at you, kissing your cheek. "I love you too."

Luke: You picked up a book lying on the table that you had left on the table earlier. You couldn't put it down, and right now Luke was in the shower. You had some free time to read so you cracked open the beaten spine and sat down, loosing yourself in the book once more. Before you knew it, you had devoured the rest of the book, setting it down you didn't know what to do anymore. It was one of the best books you had read yet, and you just wanted to read it again. You sighed, clutching it to your chest before bringing it back to the bookcase that was in the spare room. There, what seemed like hundreds of books lined the shelves, you slid this one in a free spot before stepping back. You had read all of them on the shelf, each and everyone holding a specific memory. You heard Luke come into the room, and he leaned against the door frame. "Is reality not good enough for you?" He asked suddenly, making your head snap towards him. "Pardon?" You asked, clearly confused about his statement. "You just read so much, you lose yourself in books all the time, I'm just asking, is reality not good enough? That you need to follow other peoples lives to get some sort of satisfaction?" You blinked slowly, hurt radiating through your body. Reading was your passion. "I... No. I love reality if that makes sense..." You said, before shaking your head, leaving the room. For the next couple of weeks you refrained from picking up any books from the used bookstore down the road or even ones off the shelf. You didn't read, although it killed you, wondering if Luke was right. One morning you sat at the table, looking idly out the window at the grey sky. "What's wrong?" He asked you pouring a cup of tea. "Nothing," You said absentmindedly. "You've been off lately, what's got you down?" He said sitting beside you. You shook your head, smiling at him. He furrowed his eyebrows before looking around the kitchen. "You haven't been reading, actually, I haven't seen you pick up a book in a few weeks..." Suddenly his eyes went wide. "You stopped because of what I said." He said, and you merely looked away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just wondering what you found so interesting in so many stories. You always read, and I just can't get in it, I actually wish I could escape like you, always able to lose yourself in a book." He said, putting his hand on yours. "Really? You don't hate it when I read? You don't think that I don't love you because I read?" You said, a pink hue on your cheeks. "Of course not babe, everyone needs to escape reality sometimes." He said kissing you. "Although, I would like to be your Prince charming." You smiled, leaning in again. "You're always my Prince Charming."

Michael: You were in your studio, painting away at a piece that you had been working on for a while. It had taken you weeks, allotting most of your time to this. Michael hadn't seen it yet, and you wanted him to be surprised. You were incredibly proud as you signed the corner. Stepping back to look at it, you just smiled, it was one of your best pieces. You ran to the house to tell Michael, and to show him. He had been on the couch on his phone like usual, and you hadn't even taken the time to wipe the paint off of your hands or take off your painter shirt. He had walked with you, a dopey smile on your face. You pushed open the door, putting your arms out in front of you. "Ta da!" You exclaimed. He studied it before turning to you. "It's nice (Y/N), you did a good job." He said, walking away. You felt like you were wilting inside. Weeks you had worked on this and all you got was a good. You sat down in the corner, defeated and staring at the canvas. You thought it was a little better then good, but then again, were you just being cocky? Maybe it really wasn't that great. Maybe most of your art wasn't that good, were people buying it just because you were Michael Clifford's girlfriend? You saw him walk back in, looking for you. "Babe, the guys want to come over and see it... where are you?" He said looking around the room for you. You finally saw you sitting there, immediately he dropped down beside you. "What's wrong?" He asked, ghosting over you to see if you were hurt. You shook your head, "nothing, I'm fine, actually I'm good." You said, wanting to throw his words back at him. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, studying you. "Whats got you bothered?" He looked up at your painting and back at you. "Are you second guessing it? Its freaking gorgeous." You looked at it and back at him. "Really?" You said, biting your lip. "Yeah, why would you doubt that? Its incredible, the depth and colours are just so well done." He said. "I may not know a lot about art but babe, you've got talent." It was if he was obvious to the fact of what he said earlier. "You said it was good earlier, and that was it." You mumbled. His face softened. "Hey, I'm sorry. That was a dick move, I was preoccupied with something else, record stuff. I'm sorry, its truly breathtaking though." He said sitting beside you so he could face it. "Just like you, but nothing could ever compare to your beauty." He said making you smile, any doubt forgotten.

AN: this is just another one not a second part or anything

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