He cheats (Michael) 1/3 xx

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Michael: you had gotten off of work early. you walked into the house and set down your bag, as you took off your shoes you heard moaning coming from up stairs.’please don’t be cheating. please don’t be cheating’ was all you could think. you walked up stairs and saw the door slightly open. you opened it quietly and saw clothes on the floor. you walked in and saw Michael on top of another girl in your bed. the girl moaned and then that's when she saw you. she screamed then pushed Michael off of her. she put her clothes on and left. Michael looked at you and then at his hands. you started crying as you walked down the stairs, Michael right behind you calling your name. you got into your car and drove to Calums. you walked up to the door and knocked. “hey Y/n…..whats wrong” he asked and pulled you into the house. “h-he cheated on m-me” you said “what !?” he yelled. “i got off of work early and when i got home i went to the bedroom and found him fucking some girl” you said and stated crying again. “you can stay here as long as you want Y/n” he said and hugged you.  “thanks Calum”

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