BSM: you're little but you're too shy to ask them for a hug xx

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BSM: you're little but you're too shy to ask them for a hug xx

(AN: personally Calum's my favorite one because ASHTON!!)

Luke: (Age 3) You held onto Luke's hand tightly as you guys found the boys and once you saw them, you hid behind Luke's leg. "What's up with her?" Calum asked and Luke grinned as he tried to pry you from his leg and push you in front of him. "She told me she likes a certain Calum Hood but she's just too shy to ask if she can hug him." Calum knelt down to your level and took your hands from Luke's leg and picked you up. "You want a hug from me?" You blush and nod and he laughs. "You don't even have to ask baby girl, just come up and give me a hug whenever you feel like it, alright?" you smile and nod, hugging him as tightly as your tiny body would allow.

Ashton: (Age 1) "She's walking now." Michael commented and Ashton nodded as you walked around each of the boys but not Michael. "Does she hate me or something?" Ashton shook his head. "No, she's getting really shy around people she wants to hug. You can high five her, hold her hand, anything, but if she wants a hug from someone, she refuses to ask." The boys all laughed and Ashton held onto you and passed you to Michael. "Why don't you just give Michael a hug, (YN)? He won't bite you!" You turned your tiny face to Michael who nodded. "Hug me?" You couldn't say no to him and wrapped your arms around him. "Hug!" you repeated and Michael smirked. "Can i hug you all day?" "Yup!"

Michael: (Age 2) All day long from the safety of Michael's arms you kept staring at Luke and would quickly put your head in the crook of Michael's neck when Luke caught you looking at him. "Why does she keep looking at me like that and then turning away?" Luke asked when you were looking the other way and Michael laughed. "She wants to hug you but she's afraid you don't want to hug her." Michael put you down and turned you to face Luke even though you tried to turn around and look anywhere but Luke. "(YN)." He spoke softly and you turned slowly towards him and saw his outstretched arms. "Give me a hug, please?" You opened your mouth wide with excitement and looked at Michael as if making sure it wasn't some prank and he nodded, pushing you right into Luke's arms, which wrapped you in for a tight hug. Once in the hug, you kissed Luke's cheek and refused to get put down again, saying the hug was never going to end.

Calum: (Age 3) "Look, (YN), there's Ashton!" Calum poked your side lightly and you giggled seeing your crush but looking away scared, running as Ashton caught ya. Once you started to run, Calum gave Ashton the nod to chase after you and you began to giggle seeing who your chaser was. "Nooooo." you screamed and Ashton laughed as he purposely slowed down until he was close enough to scoop you up into his arms and hold you upside down. "Why do you run from me?" he asked laughing and somewhat out of breath. "Hug?" you ask and he looks at you surprised. "Hug?" Calum caught up to you guys and nodded. "Yeah, she wants to give you a hug, she's been to afraid to ask lately though, she's shy right now." Ashton fixed you so you were upright again and hugged you. "With me, you don't have to be to shy to ask for a hug, you can always hug me when i'm around okay?"

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