Table Tennis Ash smut xx

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"Victory!" I screeched, as Ashton hung his head in shame, "You've gotta do anything I say now."
Ashton looked up, "That wasn't part of the deal."
"It is now." We quickly abandoned the table tennis game as I dragged him upstairs.
We tumbled into our bedroom, and I tore off his t-shirt allowing my hands to roam over his toned body. I pushed him down onto the bed and he propped himself up with his elbows. He grabbed my waist as I climbed over him, bending down and brushing my lips against his all while playfully grinding against him.
"Ashton, you're going to be good for me, aren't you?" I said, nodding my head to prompt his response.
"Y-yeah." He stuttered as I kissed down his neck.
I reached my hands behind his head and untied his bandanna.
"Hey, Y/N, what are you doing?" Ashton questioned.
"This." I replied, smirking and retying the bandanna around his eyes.
I gently pecked Ashton's smiling lips before kissing down his body and pulling his restricting jeans off him. I dragged my lips along his V-lines knowing it would make him crazy. I drew his underwear down and grabbed his shaft, beginning to pump him leisurely. Hearing him moan encouraged me to lean down and swirl my tongue around his slit. He reacted by reaching down blindly and grabbing my hair. I change my strategy and take as much of him in my mouth as I can. Ashton thrusts his hips up to my face, almost making me gag, but I push him down and use my hands to touch what I can't fit in my mouth. After getting him close I pull away from him and take his bandanna away from his eyes. He blinks a couple of time before enveloping me in his arms and kissing me passionately.
"Shit, I need you now Y/N" Ash says to me, before I rid myself from my pants and underwear.
I clamber back to Ashton and he pulls my hair away from my neck, allowing him to plant sloppy kisses along my collarbone. I move so I'm positioned over him and he brings my hips down. We both moan together at the feeling of each other and I start bouncing gently on him, occasionally exchanging kisses.
"I'm so close." I whisper as I drape my arms around Ashton's neck.
My orgasm was building and I could feel the familiar tightness in my lower abdomen, Ashton slams me into him and hits my g-spot, causing me to throw my head back as I release around him. My orgasm prompts Ashton's and he groans into me. He brushes my lips with his thumb as I stand up.
"We should do that again sometime." He says breathlessly and throwing himself back onto the bed.
"If you keep losing at table tennis we might just." I answer, crawling in bed beside him.

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