PRANK WAR (1/3) xx >:)

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Ashton: You had spent the night at your friends house the night before. When you pulled up into your driveway, you saw your entire house covered in toilet paper. On the garage door there was a note written in shaving cream. "Love ya! -Ash" You looked around and couldn't believe he had done this. You pulled out your phone to call him. "So guess where I am?" He giggled. "Hmmm. I dunno where babe?" "Fucking toilet paper land." He started to bust out laughing. "Oh you're laughing now Ash, but you better sleep with one eye open." You hung up the phone and started to plot your revenge.

Calum: It had been two days, and you were the sickest you had ever been. Calum couldn't spend time with you because he was going on tour soon. You opened up your email and saw that he had messaged you. It was a link to a new cover on YouTube. It was your favorite song, halfway through a video clip of a scary mask and scream popped up. Then Calum laughing. "Love ya babe, now go change your pants." After a moment of recovering, you emailed him back "Ha. Ha. Very funny. You sound sorta flat though. Be on the look out Calum, you're next."

Luke: You woke up and went to your dresser to find a tank to to wear for the day, when you put it on there were wholes where your boobs were. You shook your head and wondered who the hell would so something like this, then you remembered that you and Luke had watched mean girls the day before, he really got a laugh out of it when he saw that scene of the movie. You snap a picture of yourself wearing it and sent it to him "Better hide all your clothes, because I'm coming for em'"

Michael: The two of you planned to color the others hair, Michael wanted a dark blue with purple on his bangs, you wanted just the tips of your hair to be purple. You colored Michaels hair for him, and he wanted to color yours. He wouldn't let you look in a mirror while he was working. When he spun you around, the tips of your hair were bright orange. "Michael what the hell did you do." He laughed "Orange you glad I didn't dye it purple?" You were searching on the Internet how long you had to wait to re color it. "Oh you're so dead Clifford, so dead."

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