Good girls are bad girls xx

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Every night she studies hard in her room
At least that's what her parents assume
She sneaks out the window to be with her boyfriend
There was a knock on your door and you looked up from where you sat on a beanbag, books surrounding you. Your dad popped into the room, a smile on his face as he saw you studying.
"I just came in to say goodnight," he said and you smiled.
"Goodnight, I'll be going to bed soon too," you said and your dad grinned proudly. You couldn't believe how well you had your parents wrapped around your finger.
"Such a good girl...goodnight," your dad shut the door quietly and you waited a few minutes to hear your parents' bedroom door close. You threw the thick encyclopaedia off of your lap and jumped up, running to your closet to get changed from your pyjamas to an outfit you had chosen earlier on in the night. Just as you put a jacket on there was a knock on your glass doors that led to your balcony and you grinned, running over to the doors to open them.
"Hello gorgeous," your boyfriend, Ashton, grinned at you and your face lit up immediately as he took you into his large arms, placing a kiss on top of your head. You had to be secret with Ashton, or at least be secret whenever your parents were around. Your parents couldn't know about Ashton, they would quite literally rip your head off. How could their "perfect" daughter who was set to go to Harvard at the end of the year and become a successful and smart woman end up dating a drummer in a band? Your parents would spit on the idea; they would think it was absolutely disgusting. But they didn't know Ashton like you did and they certainly didn't know the love and fun you shared with each other. "Ready to go?" He whispered and you grinned and nodded, grabbing your purse and phone and closing the glass doors behind you as quietly as you could, crawling down the stable ladder that led from the ground to your balcony.
Your fingers laced with Ashton's as the two of you sneakily ran to his car and you constantly looked over your shoulder just in case there was any sign that your parents were awake. The minute you were in the car you let out a sigh of relief, the adrenaline pumping through you from the excitement and nerves you always received when you snuck out with Ashton. You laughed excitedly, causing Ashton to grin as he started up the car. The two of you were on your way to a track that was turned into a mini festival once a week. Only a few gigs played for a while, a whole bunch of people coming out at the late hour to watch and party with friends. Ashton and his band were one of the acts and so you wanted to go immediately, wanting to be there to support your boyfriend and friends.
"This is always so much fun," you giggled as he sped off down the road, glancing over at you and chuckling. You looked over at him with a smile. "Have I ever mentioned that I love you?" You said as street lights flashed by on the practically empty roads and streets.
"Only every day," he smirked as you felt your cheeks go hot. "It's okay though," his fingers intertwined with yours again. "I love you too," he said, causing you to smile. Sneaking out was definitely worth it.

In the back of the room, where nobody looks,
She'll be with her boyfriend.. she's not reading books
Wiping the last of your dishes dry, you placed it back in a cabinet and turned towards your mother.
"I think I'll just go upstairs and read before I go to bed," you said and she smiled and nodded, cleaning up her plates from the table and walking over next to you, placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Sure thing honey, goodnight." She said and you smiled, calling out a goodnight to your dad before running up the stairs and into your bedroom. You basically had a heart attack when your boyfriend, Calum, was sprawled across your bed, resting his head in his hand with his elbow perched on your pillow, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Cal!" You hissed just after you closed your door, walking over towards him.
"Hey babe," the grin never left his face as your heart pumped quickly, your stomach twisting in knots. This was so risky; your parents were just downstairs and your secret boyfriend was in your room. If the two of you were caught you were seriously dead.
"What are you doing here?" Your voice was never louder than a whisper and Calum chuckled, leaning up from the bed and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you down on to the bed with him. You muffled your giggles into his shoulder as he kissed your forehead.
"What, I can't spend the night with my girlfriend?" He asked and you bit down on your lip, looking up at the door and then back at Calum a few times before sighing in defeat. Calum grinned immediately, placing his lips on to yours and you kissed him back immediately, pulling back slightly.
"I swear to God if we get caught," you started to threaten but he silenced you with a peck on the lips.
"Don't worry. You can kill me if we do," he smirked and you laughed, shaking your head.
"That's if my parents don't beat me to it," you said, cuddling into him.

I swear she lives in the library 
Cause if you ask her she'll say,
"That's where you'll find me!"
You walked into the library being welcomed with a fresh gust of wind from the strong air condition. You smiled at one of the librarians as you walked by the desks, heading towards the back of the library where practically no one went to; they all occupied the desks and computers and so the back corner was unpopulated. You walked by shelf after shelf of books and soon you were at the back corner, a few beanbags spread out and a small coffee table was the only thing that occupied it.
You fell back against a beanbag and tapped a random beat on your legs to pass time.
"Hey there," you looked up at the sound of a deep familiar voice and grinned as your boyfriend Luke stood by a shelf, leaning against it. You stood up and quickly walked over to him, throwing your arms around his neck and placing a small kiss on his lips. Unfortunately, your parents never let you out of the house unless it was to go to the library to study and so this was basically the only place where you and Luke could meet up.
"I've missed you," you sighed, hugging him for a little bit longer. He chuckled, hugging you back before leading the two of you to the beanbags where you could sit.
"We saw each other yesterday," he said and you grinned sheepishly. Considering Luke was busy with his band now and wasn't able to attend school, the two of you could only spend the short hour or two that you were allowed to spend at the library. It always felt like years to you though.
"I know, I just wish I could see you longer," you pouted and his expression softened as he pulled you against his chest again, rubbing your back soothingly. The two of you were still trying to figure out other ways that you could spend time together instead of having to hug in the back corner of an old library.
"We'll figure something out. For now this old corner is just as good as anywhere else," he smirked, playing with the ends of your hair and you smiled, leaning forward and placing your lips against his.

Good girls are bad girls who haven't been caught.
"Shhh!" You hushed your boyfriend Michael as he climbed into your bedroom through your window, smirking at your slightly worried expression as you continued to look over your shoulder at your bedroom door. If one of your parents walked in at any random moment and you and Michael got caught you would never live to tell the tale. You closed the window as Michael stood by your bed, opening his arms wide with a grin. You laughed quietly and stepped into them, smiling against his warm embrace as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
"Knock knock!" You heard your dad's voice come from outside your door and your eyes went wide, your stomach dropping to the floor immediately. You looked beside you to see your closet door was open and so you shoved Michael into it, giving him a quick apologetic look as you closed the door, turning around as your dad walked into your room. "Is everything okay?" He looked at your expression and you scoffed, waving your hand in the air as if shooing the comment away.
"Everything's fine, I just thought I lost one of my tops but I found it," you lied and your dad nodded, walking in with a basket held in his hands.
"I was just going to get some of your clothes for the washing," he said and started to walk over to your closet before your eyes widened again. You stepped in front of him quickly, smiling nervously.
"No, no! I'll do it, you just go and relax," you offered as he gave you a weird look. You smiled again and took the basket from him, placing it on the ground next to your closet before looking back up at him and waiting for him to leave.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked and you sighed, nodding.
"Yes, dad, I'm fine. I just want to be alone," you said as his brow furrowed.
"Look, honey, you know you can tell me anyt-"
"I'm on my period," you stated bluntly, deadpanning at your own excuse. Your dad stopped mid-sentenced, quickly backtracking and starting to walk out of your room as you smiled, walking over to the door with him.
"Right, well, I'll leave you to it then," he said awkwardly and you smiled, closing the door behind him before sighing in relief and running over to the closet, opening the door as Michael groaned in relief and jumped down on to your bed.
"That was close," you sighed, sitting down on the bed as he pulled you into his lap.
"I nearly died in there," he gasped and you laughed at his dramatizing, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Poor princess," you pouted as he rolled his eyes, smirking, before placing a kiss on your lips.

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