He creeps on your Twitter xx

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Ashton: :wanna Skype soon?: You read the text from one of your twitter best friends, Veronica. You’d been talking for a couple of weeks through DM’s and recently moved onto iMessage. You had so much in common and really wanted to talk as close to face to face as possible considering you lived on separate sides of the world. You logged into your Skype and accepted the call request, patiently waiting for it to load. At first you thought it must be a picture or a trick when Ashton Irwin popped up on screen. “Surprise!” he held up his hands. “(Y/N) are you okay?” You just stared blankly at the screen, unsure of what to do next. “Uh…Veronica?” you raised an eyebrow. “I’m really sorry about that (Y/N) but I wanted to talk to someone who’d like me for me, and you do - right?” You grinned in response and quickly forgave him, continuing the conversation like you’d been best friends forever.

Calum: @Calum5SOS: @Y/T/N so how was that party?! You couldn’t believe it. Had Calum Hood really just tweeted you? It took you a while to understand what he meant since he wasn’t replying to anything. You had tweeted the other night that you were going to a party and were pretty nervous about it and you realized that the next morning you never tweeted about how it went. That could only mean one thing - he was creeping your account. He’d followed you a while back but you didn’t think he’d actually look at your tweets. Before you could respond another message came in. @Calum5SOS: @Y/T/N wait…I forgot you don’t know I creep on your account #awkward haha - Your mentions blew up and you couldn’t get rid of the smile on your face for the whole day.

Luke: You’d waited for weeks but it was finally the day of the gig. You were going to a 5 Seconds of Summer acoustic show while you and your parents were on holiday in the US. You couldn’t believe it when the date fit in perfectly with your vacation and your parents were leaving you go alone. The gig was unbelievable and you nervously queued up for the meet and greet trying not to over think it too much. Eventually it was your turn. You hugged and thanked Ashton, Calum and Michael and got them to sign your ticket before approaching Luke. He spoke before you got the chance. “(Y/N)?! What the hell are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to live on another continent?” You stood shocked at how he knew your name. “Um…how do you know my name? Not that I’m complaining, but it is a bit weird.” He laughed along with you and admitted that he regularly checked your tweets. You hugged him quickly as the line moved on. “I’ll DM you later,” he winked as you walked away.

Michael: The familiar blue circle popped up on your profile to signal that you had a DM. Great, you thought, another DM asking for a shout out. You lazily clicked into it and let out an audible gasp when you saw the name @Michael5SOS. You liked his band but weren’t even a proper fan account. You opened it slowly, holding your breath. Hey, I sound like a weirdo but you seem like a really nice girl. Next time I’m near you, wanna hang out? You stayed as calm as you could. You didn’t want to make too big of a deal, it would probably fall through anyway. You quickly typed back a reply and soon you were shooting messages back and forth.

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