Shiver- Ash xx

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You were startled by your best friend Ashton running up behind you and sitting next to you. It was a bright day out and you stayed after school to study outside. Ashton greeted you with his one-of-a-kind laugh, amused by how easily he could make you jump. "Watcha doin'?" he asked, looking at your book. "Studying. Something that you should also be doing" you told him, your eyes reverting back to your notes. "I've got band practice after school..." You stared into Ashton's eyes, tuning out whatever else he was saying. You looked at his lips, they looked so soft and they moved so nicely as he talked. His eyelashes were long as if they brushed his cheeks each time he blinked. His eyes were warm and inviting, pulling you in as they stared into yours. " are you?" Ashton asked, catching you off guard. "Am I...Am I what?" you questioned. "Are you going to the dance? Me and the guys are playing there, I was just telling you" He said, waiting for your answer. "Oh, yea! Of course I'm going, I'll definitely be there to see you guys play!" you smiled. He looked off behind you, and then back at you "Well it's a dance, are you going with anyone?" You looked down at your hands. He answered before you could, "I'm thinking about asking this girl in my math class". You felt your heart sink, you had really wished Ashton would ask you. "Oh" you responded, not looking up at him. "What? What's wrong?" he asked. "Well..." you started to say, "It's just that, you know, I just, I...I always make an effort to come and see you when your band's playing or when you're at work. I always try to look out for you and I care a lot about you." You played with the corner of your notebook, knowing this day would come. "And I'm just always waiting on you. I'm waiting on you to see, but you just see right through me" you sighed and looked at him. His eyebrows were pulled together, "I'm sorry, I never knew you felt that way. Do you want to go to the dance with me?". You sighed, now feeling that all of this was out of pity, "What about the girl in your math class?". "Well, actually, there is no girl in my math class. I just thought you had a date and I didn't want to sound like some loser who was just playing a gig and going home" He smiled. "Then I would love to go with you" You said, closing your notebook, "Now, you have band practice and I'm going to go home to do more studying". He stood up and took your hand to help you. "I'll see you on Friday night" he smiled, still holding on to your hand.

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