It's lazy day and he starts doodling on you xx

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Luke: You woke up, hearing the pattering of the rain against the roof of your apartment. You smiled, loving the rainy days that don’t come often in Australia. But Luke, who also woke up, didn’t. “Ugh.” he groaned, rolling on his stomach. “Rain.” you giggled, running your hands through his hair. “I don’t wanna get out of bed.” He said into the pillows. “Neither do I.” you say, and he flips on his back. He looked on the dressing table next to his side of the bed, spotting a Sharpie. Quickly, he grabs it, uncapping it. “What are you doing?” you asked, and he smiled, “Let me draw on you.” he says. “No!” you hide under the covers. He chuckles. “Pleaaaaase?” he whines, “It won’t be on anywhere noticeable!” you think it over, nodding “fine. But no where anyone can see!” you say, and he nods, pulling the covers away from you. He lifts up your shirt, showing off your stomach. He starts drawing hearts and stars all over your stomach. You watch him, as he concentrates, scrawling out ‘I love You’ perfectly in cursive, with a heart next to it. Your eyes widened, this being the first time he’s ever said (or wrote) that. He looks up at you, blushing slightly. “I do..” he says quietly, “and you don’t have to say it back, but I do love you.” he says. You smile, shifting so his face was in front of yours. “I love you too.” You whisper, kissing him softly on the lips.

Ashton: He loved playing in the rain. No matter if it was pouring or sprinkling, he loved it. He woke you up earlier that morning by jumping on the bed. “Its raining! Lets go!” he says, pulling you out of bed and handing you clothes. You giggled, putting the clothes on and running outside with him. Today was a day where the rain was coming hard and in big drops. You sighed, knowing how much of a mess you probably looked. Soon, you were both chilled to the bone, and he drug you back inside. You took your shirt off before you even got upstairs, and your pants too. You got a new set of underwear and went into the bathroom, changing into those before going back out. Ashton laid sprawled out on the bed, a marker in one hand, drawing on the other. “Do you think I should get a tattoo?” he asked, and you shrugged, giggling “Its your choice.” You said, crawling into bed with him. He smiled, and leaned over to kiss you. The marker made a mark on your chest, and you groaned. “it looks like I got cut.” you say, smiling. There was a big red line going across your left boob, and he laughed. “I’ll fix it.” he says, writing out some words that you couldn’t see. When he was done, he pulled away. The words “Property of Ashton Irwin” were scrawled in his messy handwriting on you, and you smiled, kissing him on the lips.

Calum: You two were best friends, (although all the relationship feels were there) and he invited you over to hang out today. Unfortunately, it was raining, so you two couldn’t go to the park or play soccer (football) outside. Before you came over, he sent you a text, saying “bring your swim suit. We’re gonna do something fun.” so you come over with a bag, and a swim suit on under your shirt and shorts. “What are we doing?” you asked, setting your stuff down. He was in his swim trunks (only tehehe) and you took your shirt and shorts off. He pulled you outside, grabbing a handful of mud and throwing it at you. “Calum Hood what the hell are you doing?!” you scream, and he chuckles. “Doing something fun.” he says, and you smile evilly, grabbing a glop of the mud and throwing it at him. It hit him square in the face, and you giggled. “You’re right, this is fun.” after a few hours of playing outside, you two both used the hose and washed off before going inside. You both changed, laying down on the couch, cuddling. When you woke up, you found a bunch of markings and words on your stomach. “Calum?” You called around, not being able to find him. You looked back down on your stomach, and saw “I really kinda like you a lot.” written messily. Your face brightened and your heartbeat became quicker. You pretended you didn’t see the markings when he came back, and cuddled him like normal. Before placing your lips on his, you looked up at him. “By the way, I really kinda like you a lot too.”

Michael: Video games. All day, video games. You got tired of it, but Michael was so into it, yelling at the other team. You went to make a snack, bringing it back to the living room before sitting down again. Twenty minutes and two bowls of Doritos later, Michael was still screaming into his microphone. You sighed, laying on the couch, watching him. Soon, you fell asleep, getting bored, and when you woke up, Michael was still yelling. You sighed, “I’m gonna go get a shower” you said, to which he only nodded. You were getting ticked off, and just walked into the shower. Maybe the warm water will calm you down. You stayed in there for a good hour, letting the water relax you. Once you got out, and started to get changed, you saw your bra. It was covered in hearts, with little “I love you“‘s all around it. You sighed, smiling. You didn’t care that it was your favorite bra, only with the fact that he took time away from his game to do this. You got changed, putting the bra on, and walked out into the bedroom. There was a little bit of light, and he was laying on the bed. A big “I’m sorry.” bear was in your spot. You smiled, crawling into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around you. “You know how much I love you, right?” He asked, before kissing your face in short, small little pecks. You giggled, nodding. “I know. I love you too.”

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