You're shorter than him xx

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» l u k e h e m m i n g s ;
no matter how tall you are, you are probably shorter than luke - i mean, he's like 6'3/6'4. but if you were really short, it would be so cute; he would always be picking up and giving you piggy back rides and (best of all) letting you sit on his shoulders at concerts. he would feel like it was his job to protect you, so whenever you went out he would make sure you were close to him and he would always hold your hand or have his arm around you.

» c a l u m h o o d ;
calum would probably be an absolute tease about it, and he would always be holding things up really high or teasing you when you couldn't reach something high up. when you got mad at him, he would bend down so you were looking at him face-to-face and give you a really silly smile, which would make you start laughing and you'd have to forgive him. i think he would love using your head as an armrest, but he would also be really cute and lay his head on top of yours.

» m i c h a e l c l i f f o r d ;
michael would be a lot like calum and tease you a lot, but along with holding things out of your reach he would also give you nicknames like "shorty". he would love how short you were, though, because compared to him you were tiny and he could wrap his arms around you and completely envelop you which sounds really weird but it would be so cute. he would make a bunch of comments about your height, but at the end of the day he would love how short you were and think it was adorable.

» a s h t o n i r w i n ;
ashton would pick you up like 24/7, all the time. he would love to surprise you by running up behind you and spinning you around, and he would lift you up a lot so you could be eye level with him. out of all of them, i think ashton would be the sweetest about it, even though he would call you munchkin or something, but he would never make you feel bad about it or make too much of a big deal about it.

I N S T A G R A M:


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