7 minutes in heaven xx

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Luke: "I'm bored," you whine, flopping down on the couch between Luke and Calum. Calum had invited you, a few of your girlfriends, and his band over to swim, but it had started to rain. "Well what do you wanna do?" Your best friend, Calum asks. "I dunno," you sigh, swinging your legs across Calum's lap and falling back across Luke's. "Hey," Luke says, looking down at you with a smirk. "Hey," you giggle back. "Okay let's find something to do!" Calum says quickly, pushing your legs off of him and forcing you to your feet. "Let's play a game!" Ashton suggests. "Yeah!" Your friend agrees. "Let's play 7 Minutes in Heaven," Michael suggests, smirking. "Sure," you say with a shrug. "I dunno," Calum says, glancing at Luke. "Why don't Luke and Y/n go first?" Michael invites, ignoring Calum. "Maybe the rain's let up and we can swim!" Calum says desperately. "No, let's play," Michael insists. You nod and follow Luke to a dark closet kept empty specifically for this game. "Calum's really protective over you," Luke points out once he shuts the door. "Yeah," you say biting your lip, "But he's not in charge of me." "That's good to hear," although you can't see Luke, you can hear him getting closer. You feel a hand underneath your chin and a second later feel Luke's lips against your own.You kiss him hungrily, immediately allowing his tongue in to explore your mouth. He grabs your hips, pushing you back against the wall. You hear a knocking at the door and pull away as Calum's voice calls, "Time's up!" "Calum, it's been like thirty seconds!" You yell back. "Uh, we've been counting," he lies, "And it's been 7 minutes!" You look up at Luke and sigh. "We'll finish this later," he whispers before leading the way out.

Ashton: You sit in a circle, talking with Calum when Michael returns to the circle. "Oh! It's Ashton's turn!" Calum yells. Ashton's head snaps to Calum as he waits for Calum to continue. "Ashton you can go with Y/n!" "Calum, no," you whisper as everyone around you 'oohs'. "It'll be fun!" Calum insists, pushing you to your feet. "I can't stand him!" You hiss, but it's too late. You're already being dragged to the small closet. "Hey," Ashton mutters when the door shuts. "Hello," you greet coldly. "This is gonna be a long 7 minutes," he sighs. Without seeing you can tell that Ashton sits down. Deciding you might as well get comfortable, you go to take a seat. "Oh, hey," you hear Ashton chuckle as your hand accidentally grazes his chest. "Oh! Uh, I didn't realize you were so close," you mutter. "Really?" Ashton whispers. You turn towards him and can sense his lips inches from your own. "Really," you breathe. You jump as his hand slides up your leg. "Sorry," he whispers, "Didn't realize you were so close." Instead of reply you lean forward, allowing your lips to mesh with his. He pulls you onto his lap as the kiss deepens. He starts kissing your neck and your hands tangle in his hair when you hear knocking at the door. You sigh, getting to your feet and helping Ashton up. He leads the way out, smirking at you once you're in the light of the room. Calum scurries up to you excitedly and whispers, "How was it?" "Well, I made it out so I guess that's good," you say casually. He eyes you suspiciously and you look away. "You're blushing!" He points out, poking your cheek. "Fine, it was great," you say, smiling like an idiot. You turn away from Calum and see Ashton watching you. "I gotta go," you tell Calum, making your way over to Ashton's side.

Calum: "Y/n!" Calum reads off of a slip of paper. "And - oh, me," he glances at you, blushing and you quickly glance away. "Get going!" Ashton insists, pushing the two of you into the closet and shutting the door. In the small, silent room you are sure Calum can hear your heart beating faster and faster. "So," Calum says, searching for a conversation starter. "So," you repeat, not knowing what to say. "Y/n, can I - can I tell you something?" Calum asks quietly. "Of course," you say, giving him your full attention. "Well, okay the thing is, uh, we've been friends for a long time, and I really like being friends with you! But it's just, I can't be friends with you anymore." "Are you friendship breaking up with me?" You ask, trying not to laugh. "No!" Calum says quickly, "I just can't stand being in the background. I can't stand listening to you talk about hot guys and I can't stand telling you you're beautiful while you let other guys make you feel like you're not I want - I want to make you feel like you are. Does that make any sense?" You open your mouth to speak but Calum continues, "It's just that it hurts Y/n! It hurts helping you pick what you're gonna wear on dates with other guys and it hurts listening to you talk about how great they are because, well, because I really like you!" "Calum I -" "I know, I know," he interrupts, "I just needed you to know! I just couldn't keep pretending!" "But, Cal, I -" "You don't have to say it," he interrupts again, "I know it's stupid and -" "Calum-I-like-you-too!" You say quickly, grabbing his face and making him look at you. "Oh," he mumbles, looking at his feet, "That's good." You can't help laughing as you lean in, kissing him gently. Just as he starts to kiss back the door opens, revealing three excited boys. "Go Calum!" They yell in unison. "Did you hear what I said?" He asks, eyes wide. "We listened at the door," Ashton explained. "It was real smooth," Michael chuckled.

Michael: "Let's play 7 Minutes in Heaven!" Calum suggests, grinning. "No," your brother, Calum's friend, says immediately. "You're no fun," you say, throwing a pillow at him. "I think we should play!" Luke adds in. "Great!" Calum says, jumping up to get everything ready. "Alright," he says, sticking his hand in the bowl of names and pulling one out, "First is Michael! With Michael is," he pulls out a second piece of paper and shouts, "Y/n!" "No," your brother says seriously, "She isn't playing." "Yes I am!" You argue, "You aren't the boss of me!" You make your way towards the closet with Michael following and receiving death glares from your brother. "He's so overprotective!" You fume once the door is shut. "Honestly, what does he think I'm gonna do? It's seven minutes!" "I'm sorry," Michael says. "It's not your fault," you sigh, sitting on the floor criss-cross, "He just gets on my nerves." You feel Michael's hands on your shoulders, slowly rubbing down your back. "You need to relax," he murmurs. "That feels good," you whisper, getting goosebumps where his hands touch your skin. His hands slide up your shirt, kneading at your back. You feel his lips graze your shoulder and you moan, making him smirk. You tilt your head back, letting it rest on his chest, and he kisses across your jaw line. You turn your body to face him, connecting your lips with his and cupping his face in your hands. "Feel better?" He asks, still kissing you slowly. "Mhm," you murmur, not letting your lips leave his. You hear a knock at the door and sigh, pulling away reluctantly. "Y/n! Time's up!" You hear your brother call. "Yeah we're getting our clothes on!" Michael yells back. You burst out laughing, punching him in the chest as you imagine your brother's reaction. "Y/n!" You hear him shout. "She's trying to find her bra!" Michael replies, making you laugh even louder. "We'll be right out we just gotta clean up!" You add, making Michael clutch his stomach from laughing so hard. Finally you exit waving at your angry brother and trying not to laugh.

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