You're a witch xx

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"I'm dating a witch." Luke mumbled to himself as he paced the living room. He didn't take the news so well. He probably would have taken it better if I were to tell him but he overheard me talking to my mom. "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" Luke asked,with his eyes wide. I couldn't help but laugh at his question. A good witch or a bad witch? Was I from The wizard of oz or something? "Luke," I started,trying to catch my breath "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. If I was bad wouldn't I have killed you by now?" "I don't know.Would you have?" He asked now standing still. "No,I don't think I would have,but don't make me mad." I laughed. Luke must not have gotten the joke because he stood there staring at me like a scared puppy. "I was kidding."

Calum -

"This is so cool!" Calum chirped as he watched me put something together. "I'm glad that you think that." I smiled. "What is it though?" Calum asked curiously. "It's a potion." I replied,my eyebrows furrowing. He's been standing here watching me put it together for almost an hour and he's asking what it is. Shouldn't he know? "No,I know,but what kind is it? What is it for?" He said trying to clear his question up. oh. "It's,uhm,it's a l-love potion." I stuttered. I don't know why I found it weird to tell him that,I mean he was my best friend. My best friend that I liked,a lot. "Who do you plan on using it on?" He asked. I bit my lip and shrugged. There was no way in hell I was going to tell him that I wanted to use it on him. "No one,i'm keeping it in case I need to use it in the future."

Michael -

"Are you going to tell me how you feel about this?" I asked. I had just told Michael that I was a witch and I got no reaction from him. "I think it's cool.You're going to be a witch for Halloween.Cool. "He said not taking his eyes off of the t.v. So that's why I didn't get a reaction from him. "Michael,no,I mean I really am a witch. One that makes potions and casts spells." I said trying to get his attention. "Sure you are babe." Michael laughed.Now giving me his full attention. " I really am." I said crossing my arms. "Then prove it." I narrowed my eyes at him and twitched my nose. Seconds later he was covered in spiders. "O-okay you're a witch.Now get the spiders off of me."

Ashton -

"You put a spell on me to make me fall in love with you?" Ashton yelled. My eyes popped did he really have to yell that loud,in public? "Ash,be quiet please." I whispered. He only glared at me. "Why the hell would you do that though.You couldn't have waited for me to fall in love with you? Naturally?" He said a little quieter but people were still look at us. I smiled at them and flicked my wrist. Making time freeze.Leaving only Ashton and I to talk without people hearing. "I have a good reason for why I did it." I said trying to keep my voice calm. "It better be a good fucking reason." He said between gritted teeth. "Well," I started. " I didn't think I had a chance,and you needed a little push." I finished looking anywhere but Ashton. "Well,you shouldn't have done that." He said,turning to walk away. "So does that mean we're over?" I asked sadly,looking down at my hands. "I don't know yet." He said walking away. I swallowed my tears and flicked my wrist. Seeing everyone coming alive again. If only they knew what had just happened.

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