He say something mean and one of the boys defend you xx

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Ashton: You were sitting around with the boys, both you and Michael scrolling through different pictures of tattoos. You had wanted to get one, but you were unsure of what to get. "What about this one Ash?" You said turning your phone to show him the picture of beautiful flowers spiraling up the models arms. "Really? Everyone gets flowers." Ashton said staring at the picture, his attention leaving your phone and resuming to his own. You sighed, you thought it was beautiful, was it that cliché? You kept scrolling, Michael watching you as you lacked the enthusiasm you had prior to showing Ashton the picture. You scrolled past more flowers, this time delicately interact roses on the shoulder blade, falling over the collarbone. You loved it, and for a brief moment you got that flutter in your chest knowing that it was perfect. "Ash, I think I found the one!" You said, victorious. Michael put his phone down to focus on you, as Ashton mirrored his actions. You showed him the phone, his eyebrows furrowing. "Its your body." He said. You deflated, your heart dropping to your stomach. You slouched feebly into the couch, defeated. "What the fuck man?" Michael said, his voice shocking you. "Who the fuck cares if she gets flowers, its her bloody body. You should be honoured that she's asking for your opinion. Last time I checked you weren't the one getting the tattoo." You quickly looked at Michael, his eyes squinted together in frustration, his chest rising and falling at a quick pace. You turned your attention to Ashton, to see him with his mouth slightly open, his eyes wide as his eyes darted between the two of you. He shook himself physically, and within an instant his eyes held sadness. "I'm sorry (Y/N), that was really fucking rude of me. I like them, a lot actually. I think it suits you. The only reason I hesitated is, I don't know, everyone gets flowers, but I don't know. I think it would work on you. Anything would work on you because you're absolutely beautiful. I'm sorry." He said, grabbing your hand on the cushion and giving it a brief squeeze. You sighed, a million thoughts swirling in your head. "I'm going to get it." You said, taking a deep breath. You saw Michael smile from the corner of your eye, and you saw Ashton's smile grow as you nodded your head.
It was a few weeks later you stood in front of the mirror, a large bandage covering your left shoulder and part of your collarbone. You were giddy with excitement as Ashton stood beside you. You didn't allow Ashton to see the tattoo because you wanted it to be a surprise. You were nervous though, when you saw it the skin was inflamed, and the tattoo looked a little gross. But, nonetheless it looked beautiful, and you loved it. You peeled back the tape, wincing as it stuck to your flesh, as the minutes ticked by you finally removed the bandage fully, a large smile etching itself onto your face. It was better then you had thought. The artist had paid so much attention to detail, it looked as if real roses were cascading down your shoulder. You heard Ashton let out a small gasp, and you faced him. "You like it?" You asked him tentatively. "I don't like it." He said, laughing. "I love it. Why would I ever doubt you? It looks beautiful, just like you." He said, grabbing your hips and pulling you in for a kiss. You gasped as his t shirt pressed against the still fresh wound on your shoulder. "Sorry," He said weakly. You shook your head, pulling him down to kiss him, his hand resting above the new ink that was permanently etched in your skin.

Calum: "Cal!" You yelled in sheer excitement. You ran to find him sitting in the living room with the boys, immediately you regretted yelling at him so excitedly. He looked up at you laughing, the boys chuckling slightly as well. "Whats up? You sound excited to say the least." You said. "It can wait until later, have fun with the lads!" You said, about to walk away. "No its fine, what's up? I'm sure they'd like to hear whatever you were so excited about." You smiled a little shyly at the lads on the couch. "You know how I applied to that modeling agency? Well I got a call back and they want me to walk in one of their shows! Can you believe it?" You said, the excitement back full force. This was your dream and you couldn't believe that an agency had finally accepted you. You had the height, more or less the body shape as well. There was a chorus of congratulations and cheers. Calum smiled up at you, "You can barely walk in heels babe...how are you going to walk a catwalk?" He said, a teasing tone apparent in his voice. You were a little taken aback, he didn't even bother to congratulate you, before he insulted you. There was an uncomfortable silence as you deflated, your shoulders slouching slightly. Before you could reply, Luke spoke up. "Dude, your girlfriend just got her dream job and you really just called her out in her lack of ability to walk in heels? She can easily learn, hell I could probably learn if I put my mind to it, but fuck man." You were amazed at Luke's comment. He was usually so shy and introverted, not really contributing all that often to conversations, especially uncomfortable ones like this. Calum's face changed as he realized you hadn't found that joke funny, he grabbed one of your hands in his. "I'm sorry (Y/N)...I thought I'd crack a joke...which clearly wasn't funny. I'm sorry, I am really happy for you. I know how much you wanted to get a call back. I hope you're prepared to see me at every show. And I mean every one, front row, so when you walk by I'll yell out 'thats my girl' so the entire crowd knows that my beautiful girlfriend, that can walk in heels I may add, is a model." He said smiling at you, your heart melting. "You're an idiot, you know that? But you're my idiot. Thanks Cal. I'm going to go practice in heels, you dork. Prove you wrong." You said winking at him and sending Luke a bright smile. He returned it, before casting his eyes downward, a sheepish blush colouring his cheeks. You giggled softly before strutting out of the room, hearing Calum groan as you made sure to sway your hips on the way out.
It was about a month later, that you waited behind the curtain of the fashion show. The catwalk was long, longer than you had anticipated but you were so ready. You had practiced relentlessly for weeks on end, the agency extremely proud with your progression. You smoothed your dress out as the last touches were added to your make up and hair. Your cue was signaled and you walked out from behind the curtain, your heels clacking on the floor as a melodic song played as you followed the girl in front of you. Push your hips out, shoulders back, one foot in front of the other, eyes forward, you chanted to yourself. You could hear a very loud cheer, knowing it was Calum, you broke your facade briefly as a smile curved your blood red lips up, before resuming your stern look as you kept your eyes in front of you. You posed for the flashes of the camera, before looping the catwalk and walking behind the curtain. Your heart was hammering, you had done it, and you couldn't be happier because this would be the start of your modeling career.

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