September 12, 2016

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Today was normal. What I mean by that is that nothing "dramatic" happened today (expect for me thinking of anime, but who cares about that?) and classes were good. At Dance today, our teacher had us to choose a partner and guess what? I didn't know anybody, so I stayed quiet until my teacher paired me up with a girl. (We should call her Kim) Kim knows a lot about Spanish and me? Only a little bit. I wasn't shy, just thinking of how to word phrases into Spanish. We communicated good and did a mini dance performance. It was fun!!! (R: She's using her sarcastic voice) Anyway, the next few classes were good. Loud, but good. Apparently, Daisy and Alexa accept me into their "group". I am not a loud girl, but me being in their group? That's just plain weird to me cause I am not a social person. I barely ate some Goldfish Crackers and I am listening to some piano music. Speaking of piano, I am currently practicing and learning how to play it. It's been about 5 years since I learned how to play it. This Wednesday is our picture day and I am not ready for it. I dislike people taking photos of me, but if it's picture day, then whatever. I almost forgotten my gym and Dance clothes today cause I remembered about it this morning and I called my mom and she dropped off my clothes. Be thankful to have moms in your life. I need to take a shower today. This is all! See you guys later!!!!
A note here: I will maybe continue my other story. MAYBE AND IF NOT, then I shall try to do it. Ruth is out. Bye!

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