November 29th, 2016

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I am tired and lazy.
I don't want to do my homework or piano, but I still need to do it....even if it takes long. I love piano and I truly do...but sometimes it's hard do get myself to do it.
Anyway, school today was good and for Gym/P. E., we are doing the volleyball 🏐 unit and it's good. I'm not perfect, but I'm not really bad either. It's almost December and for my second period, we cleaned up our dance and we are gonna pass it off tomorrow. For the performance, we're gonna wear makeup and personally for me....I dislike it. I don't hate it, it's just that I'm not a fan of it, but you gotta do what you need to do. Tomorrow for FACS Exploration, we are gonna make play dough and I'm excited for it!
I have homework and I really don't want to do it....I feel dead inside. WHY MUST WE HAVE HOMEWORK?
Well, only three more days until Friday....I want it to come faster, but it's almost Winter Break and I'm also happy for that. No school=rest and sleep for me. Also watching some YouTube, reading, listening to music and watching some Netflix.
This is all. See you guys later!

I'm not even kidding. I really don't have the energy to do my homework or piano or taking a shower. I guess I feel super lazy today....meh. 😕

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