December 25th, 2016

11 1 0

Anyway, there's a lot of snow outside and I mean a lot. Where I live, the snow covers the grass and the road. That's a lot of snow.
What did you guys get for Christmas o day?
I got some drawing supplies and some candy. We didn't go full out because we really don't have a huge money, so I'm just happy to what I got.
So, my parents are thinking about going to Las Vegas with us for tomorrow. My mom wants to take my older sister with us and I really want to go because I'm feeling a bit better from yesterday. I still have the runny nose, but my throats feels fine as of today. I still cough, but I'm good. LAS VEGAS BABY!
This is all. Have a merry Christmas and that you'll all be good. Bye! See you guys later! 🖍

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